Sorts lines of code with a tiny bit of intelligence.
If all but the last line of text end with a comma, then after sorting, all but the last line of text will still end with a comma.
If the first line of text is a left bracket and the last line of text is a right bracket, they will not be sorted.
For example, this text:
gets sorted to:
It also includes a Nova extension. See its readme.
[X] sort lines
[X] preserve leading whitespace
[X] handle trailing commas
[X] handle surrounding square brackets
[ ] fix: sometimes it adds an extra newline
[ ] maybe handle other trailing characters
[ ] maybe handle other surrounding characters
Contributions are welcome. Please use bin/dev/build
to copy changes to the main JS into the Nova extension dir.
Use bin/dev/test
to run all the tests.
Copyright 2023 Erik Hanson. See LICENSE.