#Final Project
-We created an in-depth implementation of a club attendance management system. Building on the initial starting point of a basic attendance tracker, we added the ability for each user to create and update their own personal profile, and log in using both google and github oAuth, as well as the normal method. We also implemented an event system that appears on the home page of the website, which can be edited by a user with admin priveleges. Website: https://nikesh-nick-will.glitch.me/
`Using google or github Oauth should work. If there is some issue, the account <username: 12 password: 12> will work
-used React and Bootstrap for the frontend, Javascript for the servercode and client code
-There were several issues with the project, notably Glitch interfering with Oauth capabilities, but most of the development went fairly smoothly
-Nicholas Heineman worked on backend for the events and profile information, Will Ryan worked on admin event managing and Oauth, and Nikesh Walling worked on front end managament of new content and integrating it with old content