Release Date: 07-20-2019
Breaking Changes
- See #302 under minor changes.
Major Changes
- Adds BayerLuetticke notebooks and functionality. (#328)
Minor Changes
- Fixes one-asset HANK models for endowment economy (had MP wired in as the shock). (#355)
- Removes jupytext *.py files. (#354)
- Reorganizes documentation and configures it to work with Read the Docs. (#353)
- Adds notebook illustrating dimensionality reduction in Bayer and Luetticke. (#345)
- Adds notebook illustrating how the Bayer & Luetticke invoke the discrete cosine transformation(DCT) and fixed copula to reduce dimensions of the problem.(#344)
- Makes BayerLuetticke HANK tools importable as a module. (#342)
- Restores functionality of SGU_solver. (#341)
- Fixes datafile packaging issue. (#332)
- Deletes .py file from Bayer-Luetticke folder. (#329)
- Add an empty method for preSolve called checkRestrictions that can be overwritten in classes inheriting from AgentType to check for illegal parameter values. (#324)
- Adds a call to updateIncomeProcess() in preSolve() to avoid solutions being based on wrong income process specifications if some parameters change between two solve() calls. (#323)
- Makes checkConditions() less verbose when the checks are not actually performed by converting a print statement to an inline comment. (#321)
- Raises more readable exception when simultate() is called without solving first. (#315)
- Removes testing folder (part of ongoing test restructuring). (#304)
- Fixes unintended behavior in default simDeath(). Previously, all agents would die off in the first period, but they were meant to always survive. (#302) Warning: Potentially breaking change.