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Django eduNEXT ecommerce-extensions app.

This repository contains an external django application, which adds multiple funtionalities in order to extend the ecommerce behaviour and avoid changing the base code directly.


Install with pip:

pip install django-oauth-toolkit

Add ecommerce_extensions.apps.EcommerceExtensionsConfig to your INSTALLED_APPS, if you want to use payment processors, and add ecommerce_extensions.tenant.apps.TenantConfig to your INSTALLED_APPS, if you want to use TenantOptions.



  1. Add model TenantOptions: This model allows to override settings by tenant and it can be found in <ecommerce-site>/admin/edunext/tenantoptions/
  2. Add new payment processors.

Integrate payment processors.

The django application offers some integrations listed below:

  • Payu payment processor.
  • Fomopay payment processor.

In order to activate these processor some configuratios are required.

  1. Add urls. File ecommerce/extensions/payment/
from ecommerce_extensions.urls import urlpatterns as url_extensions

urlpatterns = [
    url('', include((url_extensions, 'ecommerce_extensions'))),
  1. Add payment processors. File ecommerce/settings/
  1. Add html buttons. File ecommerce/templates/oscar/basket/partials/hosted_checkout_basket.html
{% for processor in payment_processors %}
    <button data-track-type="click"
            data-processor-name="{{ processor.NAME|lower }}"
            class="btn payment-button"
            id="{{ processor.NAME|lower }}">
        {% if processor.NAME == 'cybersource' %}
            {% trans "Checkout" as tmsg %}{{ tmsg | force_escape }}
        {% elif processor.NAME == 'paypal' %}
            {# Translators: Do NOT translate the name PayPal. #}
            {% trans "Checkout with PayPal" as tmsg %}{{ tmsg | force_escape }}
        {% elif processor.NAME == 'payu' %}
            {# Translators: Do NOT translate the name PayU. #}
            {% trans "Checkout with PayU" as tmsg %}{{ tmsg | force_escape }}
        {% elif processor.NAME == 'fomopay' %}
            {# Translators: Do NOT translate the name WeChat. #}
            {% trans "Checkout with WeChat" as tmsg %}{{ tmsg | force_escape }}
        {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

How to Contribute

Contributions are welcome! See our CONTRIBUTING file for more information – it also contains guidelines for how to maintain high code quality, which will make your contribution more likely to be accepted.