A simple way to use strings in openscad
NOTE: When i wrote this extension I was not aware of the existence of the original write.scad (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:16193). I have plans to change my extension's name to avoid confusion.
It's not a surprise that the extensions have the same principles and that the original one have much more features. Anyway, my extension have some advantages over the original one, for example, it's much easier to create a new font file.
Put the files atoi.scad, write.scad and GaroaHackerClubeBold.dxf in the same directory of your openscad project. Use like in the example: include <write.scad> translate([-38,-38,0]) rotate([20,0,45]) write("i'm a fucking genius",10);
The script svggen.py generates a svg with all printable latin1 chars.
The generate svg needs to be converted to a dxf file. It's done with Inkscape and a modified version of the Inkscape-OpenSCAD-DXF-Export exension (https://github.com/brad/Inkscape-OpenSCAD-DXF-Export). At this point yout need the GaroaHackerClubeBold.otf to be installed on your system. If you want to use another font, just edit the svggen.py and create a new dfx file.
The script atoigen.py generates the function atoi that converts a string to its ascii number.