This repository provide config file for use 'php_beautifier' and 'php_codesniffer' for dynacase development
Install phpcs program from pear project (version 1.3.0 needed).
pear install PHP_CodeSniffer
To control a PHP file use this command
phpcs --standard=<install-devtools>/development-tools/3.1/phpCSDynacase/ Class/Fdl/Class.DocWait.php
FILE: Class/Fdl/Class.DocWait.php
8 | ERROR | There must be exactly one blank line before the class comment
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 5.25Mb
The option --standard indicate the configuration which must be used to control code. The directory '3.1/phpCSDynacase' include configuration used for dynacase code.
You could verify code using eclipse with the plugins phpTools PHPsrc.
PHP Tool CodeSniffer 1.2.6.R20100912000000 org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.tools.codesniffer.feature.group
To configure php tools code sniffer, go to preferences window. Go to phpCodeSniffer part and add a "Custom CodeSniffer Standard". Indicate the path to "phpCSDynacase" directory and save it. You can use "Validate" menu from the PHP file context menu to see problems.
If you have a PHP code not already conform to standard you may use the php_beautifier
Install php_beautifier program from pear project (version 0.1.15 needed).
pear install PHP_Beautifier
Set a symbolic link to Dynacase.filter.php file from install directory of PHP_Beautifier.
ln -s <install_devtools>/development-tools/3.1/phpBeautifier/Dynacase.filter.php .
Use phpbo programs to beautify the code.
$ <install_devtools>/developement-tools/3.1/phpBeautifier/phpbo Action/Fdl/editicon.php
The rules used are based on PEAR standard and conserve blank lines.