=== Persian Fake contents ===
author: Grizzly development Group.
Contributors: Ehsan Shariaty
Tags: persian,parsi,farsi,iran,iranian,fa_IR,fake, فارسی,محتوا Tested up to: 5.6.1
Requires PHP: 5.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
A tool for persian wordpress developers to create Fake posts in Persian/Farsi language
== Description == A tool for persian wordpress developers to create Fake posts in Persian/Farsi language. این یک ابزار ساده و رایگان برای طراحان سایت با سیستم مدیریت محتوای وردپرس است که این امکان را فراهم میآورد تا مطالب جعلی به زبان فارسی ایجاد کنند.
== Changelog == = 1.0 = First release
== Features ==
- publish fake posts
- showing published fake posts
- delete all created fake posts
== Contact us == You can send me an email to (ehsan[dot]shariaty[at]gmail[dot]com)