This Library was made to handle easier the scoreboard components. Especially Tablist and the Sidebar. This Library can be used for 1.16 Servers.
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compileOnly 'com.github.einfachBlu:simple-scoreboard:master-SNAPSHOT'
// This will update the Sidebar
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().updateSidebar(Player player)
// This will update the Tablist
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().updateTablist(Player player)
// This will register the interfaces which returns the values to display
// First Parameter is the priority. The highest priority registered will be
// displayed at the end
// Header
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().registerTablistHeaderInterface(1, new TablistHeaderInterface() {
public String getTablistHeader(Player player) {
return "This is the Header!";
// Footer
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().registerTablistFooterInterface(1, new TablistFooterInterface() {
public String getTablistFooter(Player player) {
return "This is the Footer!";
// Sidebar
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().registerSidebarInterface(1, new SidebarInterface() {
public String getTitle(Player player) {
return "Title";
public String[] getLines(Player player) {
return new String[]{
"First line",
"Second line",
"Empty third line",
"Fourth line"
// Sort - The higher the sort, the higher the player will be displayed in the tablist
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().registerTablistSortInterface(1, new TablistSortInterface() {
public int getTablistSort(Player scoreboardOwner, Player target) {
return 10;
// Prefix
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().registerTablistPrefixInterface(1, new TablistPrefixInterface() {
public String getTablistPrefix(Player scoreboardOwner, Player target) {
return "§7[Player] ";
// Suffix
ScoreboardAPI.getInstance().registerTablistSuffixInterface(1, new TablistSuffixInterface() {
public String getTablistSuffix(Player scoreboardOwner, Player target) {
return " §7[§eClan§7]";