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#Celedon Partners AutoNumber Solution

##What it does right now, v1.1:

  • Supports custom prefix and suffix
  • Configurable number of digits
  • All parameters except the entityname and attributename can be modified at any time
  • Supports multiple autonumbers on the same entity
  • Generated numbers guaranteed to be unique, even in load balanced environments, including CRM Online
  • Displays a live preview of the autonumber on the config form
  • Validates entity and attributes are valid, and that there are no duplicate entries
  • Supports conditional number generation (eg: allows different account types (or whatever) to get different number formats)
  • Supports Activating/Deactivating AutoNumbers
  • Allows runtime parameters to be entered into the Prefix and Suffix fields (See below for instructions)
  • Runtime parameters now support looking up to parent record values
  • Supports nested conditional parameters ie: "else if" conditions
  • NEW: Supports 0 digit numbers (allows fully custom calculated fields, without adding any number)
  • NEW: Added ability to generate random strings
  • NEW: Can now trigger generation on either a Create OR Update event of a record

##Instructions for Runtime Parameters The Prefix and Suffix fields support runtime parameters. You can enter the name of an attribute into those fields, and the value of that attribute will be inserted into the prefix or suffix when the autonumber is generated.

  • Parameters are specified using curly braces, eg: {new_attributename}
  • You can inter-mix parameters with hardcoded values: {new_att}id
  • You can enter multiple parameters, or the same parameter multiple times: {new_att1}-{new_att2}

###Advanced/Optional Runtime Parameters If any optional parameters are used, then the attribute name must always be the first parameter specified.

####Parent Record Values (Optional) It's possible to retrieve values from a parent record to use in a child autonumber. Enter the name of the parent record lookup followed by the attribute from the parent record, separated by a dot . The format for specifying a parent field is: {lookupAttributeName.parentAttributeName} Example: {originatingleadid.industrycode}

  • All other optional parameters are still supported when using a parent record value

####Default Value (Optional) You can specify a default value after the attributeName using a | character. The default value will be used in the autonumber if the attribute is null or empty. The default value, if used, must be the first parameter following the attribute name.

Example: {new_name|NONAME} If the new_name attribute contains data, then that value will be used in the autonumber. But if new_name is empty, then the value NONAME will be used in the autonumber.

####Formatting String (Optional) If the parameter attribute is a number or a date field, you can specify custom formatting using a colon, eg: {new_numberfield:D2} or {new_datefield:yyyy} The formatting parameter, if used, must be the first parameter following the attribute name or default value.

Example: To insert the 4 digit year into an autonumber: {createdon:yyyy} or 2 digit: {createdon:yy}

####Conditional Operator (Optional) You can specify conditional parameters using the : ? | characters. The conditional parameter must always be the last parameter specified.

Example: {new_attributeName:matchValue?trueValue|falseValue} If the value of new_attribute equals the matchValue, then the autonumber will use the trueValue, otherwise it will use the falseValue.

  • The conditional operator supports all attribute types.
  • If a conditional is used on an OptionSet, then it will match on the numeric value, not the text value.
  • If a conditional is used on a Lookup, then it will match on the GUID value, not the text value.
  • If a conditional is used on a Boolean, it will ignore the specified matchValue, and the bool value will be used directly to select the result. NOTE: matchValue is still required to be entered, it's just not used for anything.
  • If BOTH a Formatting String AND a Conditional Operator are used on a DateTime, then the conditional will match using the formatted value, not the original value.
  • If BOTH a Formatting String AND a Conditional Operator are used on a Numeric, then the conditional will match using the original value, not the formatted value.
  • Numeric and DateTime attributes support GreaterThan and LessThan operations. This is done by prefixing the match value with either a '>' or '<' character. eg: {attributeName:<100?low|high}
  • If a Numeric or DateTime value is used as a matchValue, the value entered must be parsable to the appropriate type

####Nested Conditional Operators (Optional) Conditional parameters can be infinitely nested within each other. This basically allows an "If(), Else If(), Else If(), Else()" logic to occur.

Example: {attributeName:match1?result2|match2?result2|match3?result3|elseResult} In this example, if the attribute value equals "match1", then the number will use "result1", if attributeValue equals match2, then it will use result2. If attributeValue equals none of the specified match values, then it will use the "elseResult" value.

####Sample Valid Parameter Strings:

  • attribute only: {attributeName}
  • parent attribute only: {parentLookup.parentAttribute}
  • attribute with default: {attributeName|defaultValue}
  • parent attribute with default: {parentLookup.parentAttribute|defaultValue}
  • attribute and format: {attributeName:formatString}
  • attribute and condition: {attributeName:matchValue?trueValue|falseValue}
  • attribute with multiple conditions: {attributeName:match1?result2|match2?result2|match3?result3|elseResult}
  • attribute and format and condition: {attributeName:formatString:matchValue?trueValue|falseValue}
  • parent attribute with format and condition: {parentLookup.parentAttribute:formatString:matchValue?trueValue|falseValue}
  • attribute with default and condition: {attributeName|defaultValue:matchValue?trueValue|falseValue}
  • attribute with default, format and condition: {attributeName|defaultValue:formatString:matchValue?trueValue|falseValue}


Celedon Autonumber Solution for Dynamics CRM



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  • C# 96.9%
  • JavaScript 3.1%