RedditLiveParser is a small system that parses reddit submissions and comments using praw API, grabs them, formats them and then update from hour to hour a mongo db : reddit_items. It expose reddit data with filtering capabilities through an HTTP API.
Optimization could be developed when we have a big period to fetch data, to split the process that fetch data and store in db in many processes.
Ex: current_date - start_point_date = 6months. Fetch 6 chunks of 1month.
Everything will be logged in files from log directory:
- reddit-parser.log for, script that parse reddit data and save to mongo each hour
- server.log for, flask server that will listen for requests and will respond with json responses containing reddit submissions and comments based on the subreddit , time frames and optionally keyword given through request params.
- test.log for, script used for testing functionallity of the system
There will be two databases: reddit_items and temporarly reddit_items_test for unittesting
Config files will be read from config directory from files:
- config.json or config-test.json for testing
python for tests ... passed 7 out of 7 python python
Dockerfile, requirements.txt and docker-compose.yml for Dockerfile
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up