A Flutter package to display animated alert dialogs
To use this package, add cool_alert as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. And add this import to your file.
import 'package:cool_alert/cool_alert.dart';
context: context,
type: CoolAlertType.success,
text: "Your transaction was successful!",
Attribute | Data type | Description | Default Value |
context | BuildContext | @required | Null |
type | CoolAlertType | @required - Type of alert dialog, ex: CoolAlertType.success for success dialogs | Null |
title | String | Set a custom title for dialog | Based on the CoolAlertType selected |
text | String | Set the description text of the dialog. | Null |
widget | Widget | Set any you expect widget of the dialog. | Null |
confirmBtnText | String | Text of confirm button | 'Ok' |
confirmBtnTap | Function | Function that handle click of confirm button | () => Navigator.pop(context) |
confirmBtnColor | Color | Color of confirm Button | Theme.of(context).primaryColor |
cancelBtnText | String | Text of cancel button | 'Cancel' |
cancelBtnTap | Function | Function that handle click of cancel button | () => Navigator.pop(context) |
barrierDismissible | bool | Dismiss dialog on touch overlay | true |
animType | CoolAlertAnimType | Type of dialogue enter animation | CoolAlertAnimType.scale |
backgroundColor | Color | Background color of the animation | Color(0xFF515C6F) |
confirmBtnTextStyle | TextStyle | Confirm button text theme | TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight:FontWeight.w600,fontSize: 18.0) |
cancelBtnTextStyle | TextStyle | Cancel button text theme | TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontWeight:FontWeight.w600,fontSize: 18.0) |
flareAsset | String | Custom flare asset | "animation.flr" |
flareAnimationName | String | The name of the flare animation to play | "play" |
lottieAsset | String | Custom lottie asset | "animation.json" |
autoCloseDuration | Duration | Determines how long the dialog stays open for before closing | Null |
width | double | Dialog width | MediaQuery.of(context).size.width |
loopAnimation | boolean | Determines if the animation should loop or not | false |
closeOnConfirmBtnTap | boolean | Detemines if dialog closes when the confirm button is tapped | true |
reverseBtnOrder | boolean | Reverse the order of the buttons | false |