This script extends Siilo Web App as an Electron Desktop App with Nativefier 's --inject and --counter options.
- provides local push notifications if window is not in focus. The app needs to be open.
- push notification includes
- unread count
- last sender
- last message content
- provides support for unread messages badge on OSX
- show unread message count in Taskbar Name on Windows
- fixes line breaks in Siilo's detailed case view
Requires: Nativefier
see to generate .zip
Open .app
Use this Fork of Nativefier with Notification Support to generate zip.
Instal to C:\Apps\Siilo-win32-x64
run C:\Apps\Siilo-win32-x64\ShortcutCreator.bat
Open Siilo from Start Menu
- windows badge support ?