Hi there, these are my dotfiles, you may use them if you wish.
I try to keep everything as simple as possible in here, there is lots of fancy stuff I could do, but I stick to a few things that are usefull.
- OSX, for the hombrew installation stuff etc.
- bash
- Antigen - A plugin manager for zsh
- git, rbenv, bundler from oh-my-zsh
- vundle.zsh - my zsh wrapper to make vundler nicer
- see
- Vundler - A plugin manager for vim
- see
- see
git clone https://github.com/errm/dotfiles
The script symlinks the dotfiles I care about, and uses homebrew to install the stuff I need. It is probibly broken, but I try and fix it everytime I need to install a new machine every few years.
But honestly don't use this, its just for me, feel free to copy as you wish.