A good enough for me lorem ipsum CLI tool
dolor -h
Usage of dolor:
-J string
Used to join words together, default is a space (default " ")
-P int
maximum number of sentences in a paragraph (default 7)
-S int
maximum number of words in a sentence (default 7)
-W int
number of words to generate
-p int
number of paragraphs to generate
Generate a hundred placeholder blog posts with 10 random tags each
for i in {1..99}; do
tags=$(dolor -W 10 -J ", ")
content=$(dolor -p 10 -S 20 -P 19)
echo -e "Title: LI${i}\nDate: 20${i}-07-29 18:36\nTags: ${tags}\n\n${contnet}" > content/articles/lore${i}.md;