This project is a web application built using the Dash framework. It allows users to visualize and analyze data related to SpaceX launches.
Related Projects:
├── .github/ # GitHub Actions workflows for CI/CD
│ └── workflows/ # Contains CI YAML files for continuous integration
├── .gitignore # Files/folders ignored by Git (e.g., Python bytecode, environment files)
├── # Main Dash app file where the dashboard layout and callbacks are defined
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration for managing multi-container Docker applications
├── Dockerfile # Instructions for building the Docker image for the app
├── heroku.yml # Configuration file for deploying to Heroku with Docker
├── Procfile # Specifies the commands for starting the app on Heroku
├── # Project documentation
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies required to run the app
├── spacex_launch_dash.csv # CSV file containing SpaceX launch data for the dashboard