Tools for receiving metrics from clients through https as json objects, putting them in Redis queue, and finally into ClickHouse.
Built to withstand high throughput by design and for running in Kubernetes.
- Multi-thread batching
- Async inserts
- Prometheus monitoring out of the box
- Process table alters automatically if event arrives with new column
- Based on event type filed can put different events it into the corresponding table
Application works in two modes:
server - mode when the app receives metrics and put them into redis queue
consumer - mode when the app consumes redis queue and writes metrics into clickhouse
You can run both with docker-compose and then send events to /api/v1/s2s/event
One request must contain at least one well-formed json object.
It is also possible to set custom event_type. In this case event will store into corresponding to event_type table ( default by default ).
Argument | Value | Default |
-mode | server/consumer | -- |
-threads | int | 10 |
-listen-address | ip:port | :6000 |
-monitoring-listen-address | ip:port | :6001 |
-redisServer | ip:port | |
-clickhouseServer | ip:port | |
-clickhouseBatchSize | int | 100 |
-clickhouseBatchTimeout | int | 300 |
-clickhouseAsyncMode | bool | false |
-clickhouseUsername | string | default |
-clickhousePassword | string | -- |
-clickhouseClusterName | string | test_cluster_two_shards |
-clickhouseDatabaseName | string | default |
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -ti clickhouse-connector-redis-1 redis-cli LLEN "rmq::queue::[clickhouse_connector]::ready"
docker exec -ti clickhouse-connector-clickhouse1-1 clickhouse-client --query="select COUNT(*) from dist_response_time_base_api"
ℹ️ Run next command for resolving dependency issue if you install dev environment from scratch:
go get -u
go get -u