Releases: ezeiger92/zPermissions
zPermissions for 1.13
zPermissions for Bukkit 1.12!
I don't have a lot to say here, I just changed a few references and shaded some stuff.
If you are using a config from an earlier (pre 1.12) version, you need to add a database section to your config!
You should copy the settings from your old bukkit.yml file, but just in case, here is a dummy version:
# Settings for database (if enabled). This used to be in bukkit.yml before
# Minecraft 1.12.
username: us3r
driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
password: passw0rd
url: jdbc:sqlite:plugins/zPermissions/zPermissions.db
Everything should be exactly the same because I barely touched anything. If something does break, just let me know.
zPermissions without shaded ebean stuff
This is for people with avaje ebean already shaded in another plugin. This is NOT an update to the last release. Only use this version if you have exceptions like "java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class some.ebean.class from class some.other.ebean.class"
I've pushed no file changes because I'm not making an "official" branch for removing 2 lines from the utility plugin's pom.
This change requires that the plugin containing avaje ebean be loaded before zpermissions. You may need to open the jar and add that plugin to zpermissions' dependency list.
What's even more fun is that I don't have any other plugin that adds avaje, so I can't even test that this functions. Use at your own risk.