A python script which download all textures from ambientcg.com and build a Sweethome3D texture library (.sh3t
The texture are resized to 3 sizes, so you can choose quality.
3 qualities available: 256, 512 and 1024 pixels width.
Current version: 2024.12.29
Total textures: 1476
Just download the .sh3t file you want and use the texture library import feature from Sweethome3D from "Furniture" menu.
ambientcg_1024.sh3t - 216.4 MB
ambientcg_512.sh3t - 56.5 MB
ambientcg_256.sh3t - 15.0 MB
Sadly a lot of textures haven't dimensions defined in ambientcg.com. The script default to 100cmĂ—100cm.
In a python virtual environnement install pypi dependencies using poetry:
poetry install
Run script:
poetry run python build.py
poetry run python build.py --no-json-cache --no-image-cache
Created using assets from ambientCG.com, licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License.
Original textures author: Lennart Demes
The current code and content follow the same licence.