Build environment for (DM800se, DM500HD, DM800seV2, DM500HDV2, DM520/525, DM820, DM7080 and DM900/920 ... DreamOne/Two not ready yet (Audio issue))
Based on OpenPLi, also derived from Hains source.
WARRNING : The compile images for DM800se and DM500HD to External flash only For [Multiboot]. Because it is more than 64MB
Thanks to OpenPLi, Open-Alliance and Hains.
-Submodules bitbake, openembedded-core and meta-openembedded from master branch,
with git snapshot of January 18, 2025.
-GCC 14.2.0
-Glibc 2.40
-ffmpeg 7.1
-GStreamer 1.24.10
-Python 3.13.1
-OpenSSL 3.4.0
-Busybox 1.37.0
and more.
Feel free to send pull-request.
Note Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and 24.10!
If you get this error (Operation not permitted) You need to give
sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/unprivileged_userns
sudo mv /etc/apparmor.d/unprivileged_userns /etc/apparmor.d/disable
- Install required packages
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake bison bzip2 chrpath cmake coreutils cpio curl cvs debianutils default-jre default-jre-headless diffstat flex g++ gawk gcc gcc-12 gcc-multilib g++-multilib gettext git git-lfs gzip help2man info iputils-ping java-common libc6-dev libglib2.0-dev libncurses-dev libperl4-corelibs-perl libproc-processtable-perl libsdl1.2-dev libserf-dev libtool libxml2-utils make ncurses-bin patch perl pkg-config psmisc python3 python3-git python3-jinja2 python3-pexpect python3-pip python3-setuptools quilt socat sshpass subversion tar texi2html texinfo unzip wget xsltproc xterm xz-utils zip zlib1g-dev zstd fakeroot lz4 lib32ncurses-dev genromfs guile-2.2-libs dialog php-cli
- Set your shell to
sudo ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh
- Set python3 as preferred provider for python
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 1
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 2
sudo update-alternatives --config python
↳ Select python3
Clone the source (only one time) ...
git clone
Then every time need to build image ...
cd openpli-dreambox-oe-core
When the build is finished, the image openpli-enigma2-GCC-13.2-(box-name).rootfs.tar.(xz_or_bz2_or_zip) is located in the:
build/tmp/deploy/images/<box name>/
Install apache2:
sudo apt install apache2
Create symlinks to your build-environment:
cd /var/www/html
sudo mkdir feeds;cd feeds;sudo mkdir openpli-Dreambox;cd openpli-Dreambox;
sudo ln -s /home/<your username>/openpli-dreambox-oe-core/build/tmp/deploy/ipk/<box name> <box name>
sudo ln -s /home/<your username>/openpli-dreambox-oe-core/build/tmp/deploy/ipk/all all
sudo ln -s /home/<your username>/openpli-dreambox-oe-core/build/tmp/deploy/ipk/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4 cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4
sudo ln -s /home/<your username>/openpli-dreambox-oe-core/build/tmp/deploy/ipk/mips32el mips32el
With recent Apache2, fix file permission problem with symlinks:
sudo chown -Rf <username> openpli-dm920-python3/build/tmp/deploy/ipk
Add hostname or ip address to the site.conf file (file exist after make command), e.g. at the end of the file.
DISTRO_HOST = " <your ip address or hostname> "
To update the image or feed, run: