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🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
Something isn't working
🐳 Dependencies
🐳 Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📝 Documentation
📝 Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🍄 Duplicate
🍄 Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🌟 Enhancement
🌟 Enhancement
Make something better/more efficient
🏗 Feature development
🏗 Feature development
Something new and shiny
🌱 Good first issue
🌱 Good first issue
Good for newcomers
🙌 Help wanted
🙌 Help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🤔 Invalid
🤔 Invalid
This doesn't seem right
🛠 Maintenance
🛠 Maintenance
Something needs refactoring/updating
🧠 Question
🧠 Question
Further information is requested
🤓 Research
🤓 Research
Spike work for a proposed technology, upgrade, or degradation
🔒 Security
🔒 Security
Security patch or vulnerability update
💅 Styling
💅 Styling
Styles need to be added, improved, or updated
🧪 Testing
🧪 Testing
New or updates tests and testing infrastructure
😶 Wontfix
😶 Wontfix
This will not be worked on