Loupedeck live configuration application for linux.
This is an attemps to provide Linux platforms with something similar to what the original loupedeck app offers on Windows and MacOS platform.
The following features are implemented, tested and functional on my Loupedeck Live device. Feedback from users would be highly appreciated at this point.
Can program touchbutton images and can configure actions to be executed when a touchbutton or an encoder is pressed/rotated.
At this point of the development the actions available are
execute shell commands
send a hotkey shorto the OS
open a submenu on the Loupedeck device, which can hold itself other commands
Can save images and actions to a profile file, can restore the profile, restoring will update the GUI and load back images to the loupedeck device.
Workspaces concept implemented on physical buttons 0-7
Packaging the app for layman users being able to install and use it without hassle
Implement a handler to get the currently focused app from the desktop manager and alter the current workspace based on it.
Use left display to show where you are in the workspace/submenu hierarchy
Implement a configurator for left/right display, allowing to use them as a unique display or split them into several buttons
Provide a few ready-to-use workspace profiles for lazy users
Fancier GUI
You will need to allow the device to be accessible for a linux group your linux user is in, to do so add a udev rule in your system. On my system I created it in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-loupedeck-live.rules. Then as root user add the following content to the file
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2ec2", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660"
Be sure your user is indeed in the plugdev
group for this to work properly.
This projects depends on the following libraries, this means it won't work if you don't install them beforehand on your system
, directly installable from most Linux OS repositories
python library from Devleaks to interface with the device
library from Asweigart to send hotkeys to the system
is required from pyautogui
on Linux platforms and is likely to be installable from your OS repositories