This Flow package provides a minimal wrapper around the webonyx/graphql-php package. Rather than providing a big range of features or automagic code analysis, this library only solves the bare necessary tasks and gets not into the way between your implementation and the original GraphQL library.
Here's a Hello-World-example which also contains support for automatic resolution of further queries and mutations provided in the Api class:
namespace Flownative\Example\GraphQL;
final class Api
public function ping($_, array $arguments): array
return [
'pong' => time()
type Query {
ping: String
namespace Flownative\Example\GraphQL;
use Flownative\GraphQL\EndpointInterface;
use GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult;
use GraphQL\GraphQL;
use GraphQL\Type\Schema;
use Neos\Eel\FlowQuery\OperationResolver;
final class Endpoint implements EndpointInterface
public function __construct(readonly private Api $api)
public static function getPath(): string
return '/api/graphql';
public function getSchemaUri(): string
return 'resource://Flownative.Example/Private/GraphQL/schema.graphql';
public function __invoke($objectValue, $args, $_, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): mixed
$fieldName = $resolveInfo->fieldName;
if ($objectValue === null && method_exists($this->api, $fieldName)) {
$result = $this->api->$fieldName($objectValue, $args);
} elseif (is_array($objectValue)) {
$result = $objectValue[$fieldName] ?? null;
} elseif ($objectValue !== null && method_exists($objectValue, $fieldName)) {
$result = $objectValue->$fieldName();
} elseif ($objectValue !== null && method_exists($objectValue, 'get' . ucfirst($fieldName))) {
$methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($fieldName);
$result = $objectValue->$methodName($objectValue);
} elseif ($objectValue !== null && method_exists($objectValue, $fieldName . 'Query')) {
$methodName = $fieldName . 'Query';
$query = $objectValue->$methodName();
if (!$query instanceof Query) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to resolve field "%s": %s->%s() returned %s, but expected %s', $fieldName, get_class($objectValue), $methodName, get_debug_type($query), Query::class), 1648713012);
if (!method_exists($this->api, $query->queryName)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to resolve field "%s": %s->%s() returned %s, but %s->%s() does not exist', $fieldName, get_class($objectValue), $methodName, $query->queryName, get_class($this->api), $query->queryName), 1648713106);
$result = $this->api->{$query->queryName}(null, $query->arguments);
} elseif ($objectValue !== null && property_exists($objectValue, $fieldName)) {
$result = $objectValue->{$fieldName};
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to resolve field "%s" on subject %s', $fieldName, get_debug_type($objectValue)), 1613477425);
if ($result instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$result = $result->format(DATE_ISO8601);
return $result;
public function getTypeConfigDecorator(): ?callable
return static function ($typeConfig) {
$typeConfig['resolveType'] = static function ($object) {
if (method_exists($object, 'isOfType')) {
return $object->isOfType();
$classname = is_object($object) ? get_class($object) : '';
if ($position = strrpos($classname, '\\')) {
return substr($classname, $position + 1);
return $position;
return $typeConfig;
This library was developed by Robert Lemke / Flownative. Feel free to suggest new features, report bugs or provide bug fixes in our GitHub project.