Credits: CRASH FORT.
- Experimental
- Multi-player support
- Dynamic bot allocation & queue system
- User-independent zoning and checkpointing (needs testing)
- Concurrent replay editing & viewing
- Various small optimizations & refactors
- sm_sta - Open main plugin menu.
- sm_zones - Open zone edit menu.
- sm_stepback - Step back a single tick in edit mode.
- sm_stepforward - Step forward a single tick in edit mode.
- +sm_rewind - Start rewinding with speed factor in edit mode.
- +sm_fastforward - Fast forward with speed factor in edit mode.
- sm_zone_gridsize - Parameter which to snap zone creation points to.
- sm_respawn - Respawns the player if they are dead.
- sm_sta_teledist - Default: 9216. Maximum velocity length to signal a teleport.
- Smooth out playback (it's floaty af)
- Serverside demo creation
- Lag compensation and prediction
- Fix the many bugs I'm sure exist
- Add collaborative TAS features
- Extend predictive features and HUD feedback