- completely rebuilt from a csgo plugin by Deathknife (https://github.com/Deathknife/skybox) to work on the old engine
- uses SQLite to store and load player skyboxes across maps.
- requires connect extension (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=162489), windows included in repo.
- only tested on LAN, may be buggy. see todo.
- does not use IP.
- update info here.sourcemod/data/sqlite/skybox.sq3
- just upload this default db from this repo. haven't tested if it generates successfully yet on its own.sourcemod/configs/skybox.ini
- add custom skyboxes here and they will automatically load in the list (credits deathknife)- make sure your skyboxes exist in
. - default setup includes some custom skyboxes
- sm_sky | !sky
- sm_skybox | !skybox
- choose your skybox with commands
- reconnect to server
- more extensive testing for database operations
- more extensive testing for client index handling (broken)
- edge case testing
- map change handling