Example application built as a non-blocking tweet parser using Scala's Akka Actor library
Just run it at the sbt prompt and you will get a report of statistics every 5 seconds
Hit Enter to end the reporting (you do have to Ctrl-C out of the sbt prompt unfortunately)
Add your consumer and access token as environment variables (Here is how to generate them from your twitter account: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/access-tokens) :
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_TOKEN_KEY='my-consumer-key'
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_TOKEN_SECRET='my-consumer-secret'
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY='my-access-key'
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET='my-access-secret'
or in application.conf
twitter {
consumer {
key = "xxxx"
secret = "xxx"
access {
key = "xxxx"
secret = "xxx"