An experimental client for WildFyre.
Fyreplace is entirely unofficial. It is not approved, endorsed or supported by the WildFyre project or any individual member of the WildFyre team.
Fyreplace communicates with the official WildFyre server(s). As such, you should refer to WildFyre's privacy policy regarding data handling on WildFyre server(s).
Fyreplace allows you to authenticate yourself with the WildFyre server(s) using your WildFyre credentials. Your login and password will not be kept persistently on your device after logging in. The authentication token received after the login operation will be kept persistently on your device to authenticate requests sent to the WildFyre server(s); it is the only personal information that will be kept persistently on your device. None of the data obtained by Fyreplace (be it your login, password, authentication token, or any other information received from further requests to the WildFyre server(s)) shall ever be shared with any party other than the official WildFyre server(s). Any authentication token saved on your device will be removed upon logging out.
Fyreplace is made available under the AGPLv3+ license (see