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An example API built with AWS API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Serverless Framework, and LocalStack.


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Serverless API Example

Test Workflow Status Python version Pre-commit Checked with mypy Code style: black

Yet another TODOs REST API. This one is based on AWS Lambdas, accessible through the AWS API Gateway, and persist into a DynamoDB table.

It also includes:


The serverless.yml file contains the Serverless configuration to deploy the stack to either AWS or LocalStack.

The application logic is located in the todos package. Each AWS Lambda handler function is on a separate file. Common code is in the same package.

Unit tests are in the todos/tests package.

Integration tests are in the integration_tests package.

The postman_collection.json file is the Postman collection. Go ahead and import it to your account! It has environment variables.

You can find useful commands in the Makefile.

Python requirements:

  1. The requirements.txt file contains the essential Python dependencies required by the application logic to run.
  2. The file contains the Python dependencies you need to have installed in your environment to contribute to the application logic.
  3. The requirements.test.txt file contains the Python dependencies required to run tests.


Install the Serverless Framework

npm install -g serverless

Install LocalStack:

pip install localstack

Install Serverless Framework Plugins

Go to the root directory of this repo and install the plugins:

cd serverless_api_example

npm i

Install and Configure the AWS CLI

Follow these instructions to install the AWS CLI.

To interact with LocalStack through the AWS CLI, you can create a profile with dummy region and access key.

Add this to your ~/.aws/config file:

[profile localstack]
region = us-east-1
output = json

And this to your ~/.aws/credentials file:

aws_access_key_id = dummyaccesskey
aws_secret_access_key = dummysecretaccesskey

Deploy to LocalStack

Start LocalStack:

localstack start

Deploy to LocalStack:

serverless deploy --stage local

You should get something like the following. Notice the endpoint URL:

✔ Service deployed to stack todos-service

endpoint: http://localhost:4566/restapis/{{ENDPOINT URL}}/local/_user_request_
  create: todos-service-create
  list: todos-service-list
  get: todos-service-read
  update: todos-service-update
  delete: todos-service-delete

You can alternatively start localstack as a daemon and deploy with a single command:

make deploy_local

Check the API out

You can use the Postman Collection in this repo to use the API. Just import it into Postman and set the collection variables (the API ID, mainly).

Useful Stuff

Just a bunch of commands that may be useful for you.

Redeploy a Function

To redeploy just one Lambda instead of the whole service, run:

serverless deploy function --function update --stage local

That will deploy the "update" function.

Check the logs of a function

This would show and follow the execution logs of the "update" function:

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 --profile localstack logs tail /aws/lambda/todos-service-local-update --follow

Get the URL where the Lambda code .zip file is

aws lambda get-function --profile localstack --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 --function-name todos-service-local-list --query 'Code.Location'


Although you can only use layers if you're using LocalStack Pro, the following can be useful if you paid for it.

List layers

aws lambda list-layers --profile localstack --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 --query Content.Location --output text

Get layer source code by ARN (works on LocalStack)

aws lambda get-layer-version-by-arn --profile localstack --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 --arn arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:layer:todos-service-local-python-requirements:1 --query Content.Location --output text

Get layer source code by layer name (does NOT work on LocalStack)

aws lambda get-layer-version --profile localstack --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 --layer-name pythonRequirements --version-number 1 --query Content.Location --output text