Implementation and suggestions for improvement of "Zero-Shot" Super-Resolution using Deep Internal Learning
First download the code by git clone the repo:
git clone
conda env update -f environment.yml
conda activate zssr
report.pdf contains information about the ZSSR model and on our experiments.
- config - the cofiguration for the experiments.
- loss contains the implemntation of the ContentLoss
- metrics - the psnr and ssim metrics
- model - zssr and vdsr implementation
- train_and_eval - helper function fo training
- transforms - transforms for lr and hr pairs
- utils - helpers functions
- data - contains the class for the dataset and data sampler
To view the experiments result run
jupyter lab
After following the Setup phase
- experiment notebook - contains data exploration and sanity check for the model
- experiment pixelshuffle - comparison between ZSSR to ZSSR with pixel shuffle
- experiment transfer - comparison between ZSSR to ZSSR with VDSR as backbone
- experiment content loss - comparison between ZSSR with l1 loss and ZSSR with content loss
To run the experiments download the dataset from here and unzip it to the root folder
The VDSR model trained on BSDS300 using this google colab based on this github
To run the experiment transfer notebook you need to download first the pretrain VDSR model from here and put it in the 'model' folder under the root folder