ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS, ExpressJS & MongoDB
1. Full-featured shopping cart with quantity.
2. Product reviews and ratings.
3. Top products carousel.
4. Product pagination.
5. Product search feature.
6. User profile with orders.
7. Admin product management.
8. Admin user management.
9. Admin Order details page.
10. Mark orders as delivered option.
11. Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc).
12. Stripe payment integration.
13. Custom database seeder script.
1. React with functional components & hooks.
2. React router.
3. React-Bootstrap UI library.
4. How to structure components.
5. Component level state & props.
6. Managing global state with Redux (Actions & Reducers).
7. Using Redux state in components (useDispatch & useSelector).
8. Creating an extensive back end with Express
9. Working with a MongoDB database and the Mongoose ODM.
10. JWT authentication (JSON web tokens) with HTTP-Only cookie.
11. Creating custom authentication middleware.
12. Custom error handler.
13. Integrating the Strpe API.
14. Environment variables.