jqSimpleTweets, is a simple jQuery Twitter Plugin that displays a single user's timeline and is compatible with Twitter API 1.1
Before anything else, make sure you already have your API consumer key and access token.
Don't have one? Go get one - https://dev.twitter.com/apps
In jqSimpleTweets/config.php, update replacethis with your own information:
define('CONSUMER_KEY' , 'replacethis');
define('CONSUMER_SECRET', 'replacethis');
define('ACCESS_TOKEN' , 'replacethis');
define('ACCESS_SECRET' , 'replacethis');
Be sure to include jQuery
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
Next, the jqSimpleTweets plugin
<script src=" jqSimpleTweets/jqSimpleTweets.min.js"></script>
then the CSS file
<link rel="stylesheet" href=" jqSimpleTweets/jqSimpleTweets.css">
And the code
$("#divname").jqSimpleTweets({ username: "yourtwitterusername" })
<div id="divname"></div>
keyword | Type | Default | Description |
username | String | none | Twitter Username |
tweetcount | Integer | 5 | Number of tweets to be displayed |
includeretweets | Boolean | true | Include retweets (RT)? |
excludereplies | Boolean | false | Include replies? |
displaytweetavatar | Boolean | false | Display avatar in every tweet? |
displayheaderavatar | Boolean | true | Display avatar on top? |
loadingtext | String | Loading Tweets… | Loading text can include html code |
loadtweetfile | String | scripts/tweet.php | Where tweet.php is located |
maxlimit | Integer | 20 | Max number of tweets retrieved |
This is the HTML code generated by the plugin
<div class=""tweet_container">
<div class="tweet_header">
<img alt="" src="" class="tweet_avatar" >
<ul class="tweet_feed">
<p class="tweet_text"></p>
<a class="tweet_date" href=""></a>
<div class="tweet_actions">
<a class="tweet_reply" href="">Reply</a>
<a class="tweet_favorite" href="">Favorite</a>
<a class="tweet_retweet" href="">Retweet</a>
- jqSimpleTweets uses OAuth lib by Abraham Williams
- Images are from Twitter's Image Resources
- Speech bubble CSS taken from Pure CSS Speech Bubbles