Code practice associated with the Pluralsight course "Working with Nulls in C#"
1m 16s
30m 12s
Introduction 1m 24s
Course Outline 0m 59s
Reference and Value Types Overview 3m 54s
Using Magic Numbers for Null Value Types 9m 44s
Introduction to Nullable Value Types with Nullable 1m 29s
Refactoring to Nullable and Removing Magic Numbers 2m 57s
C# Shorthand for Nullable Value Types 1m 34s
Nullable Boolean Values 2m 51s
Null and Empty Strings 1m 33s
Checking for Null or Empty Strings 1m 48s
Summary 1m 55s
29m 53s
Introduction 1m 42s
More on Nullable 1m 26s
Using the HasValue and Value Properties 3m 14s
Using the GetValueOrDefault Method 2m 24s
Comparing Nullable Instances 0m 52s
Nullable Implicit and Explicit Conversions 1m 30s
Overview of C# Null-checking Operators 1m 36s
Using the Conditional Operator to Check for Nulls 2m 21s
Using the Null-coalescing Operator 1m 35s
Using the Null-conditional Operator 6m 53s
Using the Null-conditional Operator with Null Array Values 2m 56s
Thread-safe Null Delegate Invocation 0m 58s
Summary 2m 22s
23m 50s
Introduction 1m 45s
Introducing the Null Object Pattern 2m 19s
Pattern Overview 2m 59s
Example Code Without the Null Object Pattern 4m 2s
Implementing the Null Object Pattern Using Interfaces 4m 1s
Refactoring to a Base Class and Single Null Instance 5m 12s
Considerations 1m 35s Summary