Getting-Started-with-Entity-Framework-6 Code practice associated with the course "Getting Started with Entity Framework 6" from Pluralsight This course is part of: Entity Framework 6 Path Overview of Entity Framework 6 Introduction 14s Why EF? Why This Course? 3m 1s What's in This Course? 2m 2s What's in This Module? 2m 2s Entity Framework Goals 3m 6s Where to Use Entity Framework 6 47s High Level Look at How EF Works 1m 56s Visual or Code Based Models from Scratch or Existing Database 4m 16s Where EF Fits in Your Software Architecture 1m 46s From Inception to EF6: A Short History 3m 55s EF7 is Coming, But EF6 Is Staying, Too 7m 8s Summary 1m 39s Resources 17s Creating a Code-based Model and Database Introduction 15s What's in this Module 31s Preparing the Sample Solution 5m 34s Creating an Entity Framework Model 5m 35s Validating Your EF Model 2m 50s Fixing How EF Interprets Your Model 4m 30s Using Code First Migrations to Create a Database9m 26s Migrating a Database When Your Model Changes 2m 44s Creating Visual and Code Models from Existing Databases 7m 2s Summary 1m 11s Resources 21s Using EF to Interact with Your Data Introduction 15s What's in This Module? 57s Inserting Objects 5m 47s Querying Simple Objects 6m 31s Updating Modified Objects 5m 46s Retrieving Data with the Find and SqlQuery Methods 3m 0s Deleting Simple Objects 3m 1s Inserting Related Data 3m 52s Loading Related Data 4m 51s Projection Queries 1m 55s Summary 1m 1s Resources 24s Using EF in Your Applications Introduction 15s What's in This Module? 1m 30s Adding Some Real World Logic to the Model 6m 25s EF in a WPF Application 4m 46s The UI and Repository Code Driving the WPF App 5m 28s EF in an MVC5 Application 5m 29s A Repository Designed for Disconnected Apps 6m 45s Using the Disconnected Repository in the MVC5 App 3m 37s Entity Framework and ASP.NET Web API 5m 33s Using EF and the Web API in an Aurelia Web Site 3m 48s Bonus Clip: Calling the Web API and Data Binding from Aurelia 2m 49s Summary 1m 11s Resources 16s