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max-elliott committed Jun 9, 2020
1 parent 3e9fdb1 commit 8090701
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Showing 4 changed files with 622 additions and 0 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@

name: "test111"
num_feats: 36
batch_size: 4
use_speaker: False
use_dimension: False
num_classes: 3


lambda_gp: 5
lambda_g_emo_cls: 1
lambda_g_spk_cls: 1
lambda_g_dim_cls: 1
lambda_cycle: 3
lambda_id: 2

num_iters: 20
num_iters_decay: 10
resume_iters: 0

train_classifier: True
c_to_g_ratio: 1
c_to_d_ratio: 1


beta1: 0.5
beta2: 0.999

g_lr: 0.0001
d_lr: 0.0001
emo_cls_lr: 0.0001
speaker_cls_lr: 0.0001
dim_cls_lr: 0.0001


use_tensorboard: True

log_dir: './logs'
sample_dir: './samples'
model_save_dir: './checkpoints'

log_every: 1
sample_every: 1000
test_every: 1000
model_save_every: 1000


dataset_dir: "../data"
sample_set_dir: '../data/samples/originals'
train_test_split: 0.9
normalise_mels: True
type: 'world'

verbose: False
device: torch.device('cuda')
Empty file added utils/
Empty file.
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
Author - Max Elliott
Functions for pre-processing the IEMOCAP dataset. Can make mel-specs, WORLD
features, and labels for each audio clip.

import torch

from utils import audio_utils

import numpy as np
import os
from librosa.util import find_files

def get_speaker_from_filename(filename):
code = filename[4] + filename[-8]

conversion = {'1F':0, '1M':1, '2F':2, '2M':3, '3F':4, '3M':5, '4F':6, '4M':7,
'5F': 8, '5M':9}

label = conversion[code]

return label

def get_emotion_from_label(category):

if category == 'xxx' or category =='dis' or category =='fea' or category == 'oth':
return -1
if category == 'exc' or category == 'fru' or category == 'sur':
return -1

conversion = {'ang':0, 'sad':1, 'hap':2, 'neu':3}

label = conversion[category]

return label

def getOneHot(label, n_labels):

onehot = np.zeros(n_labels)
onehot[label] = 1

return onehot

def cont2list(cont, binned = False):

list = [0,0,0]
list[0] = float(cont[1:6])
list[1] = float(cont[9:14])
list[2] = float(cont[17:22])

#Option to make the values discrete: low(0), med(1) or high(2)
if binned:
for i, val in enumerate(list):
if val <= 2:
list[i] = 0
elif val < 4:
list[i] = 1
list[i] = 2
return list
return list

def concatenate_labels(emo, speaker, dims, dims_dis):

all_labels = torch.zeros(8)
# print(all_labels)

# for i, row in enumerate(all_labels):
all_labels[0] = emo
all_labels[1] = speaker
all_labels[2] = dims[0]
all_labels[3] = dims[1]
all_labels[4] = dims[2]
all_labels[5] = dims_dis[0]
all_labels[6] = dims_dis[1]
all_labels[7] = dims_dis[2]

return all_labels

def get_wav_and_labels(filename, data_dir):

# folder = filename[:-9]
wav_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "audio", filename)
label_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "annotations", filename[:-9] + ".txt")

with open(label_path, 'r') as label_file:

category = ""
dimensions = ""
speaker = ""

for row in label_file:
if row[0] == '[':
split = row.split("\t")
if split[1] == filename[:-4]:
category = get_emotion_from_label(split[2])
dimensions = cont2list(split[3])
dimensions_dis = cont2list(split[3], binned = True)
speaker = get_speaker_from_filename(filename)

audio = audio_utils.load_wav(wav_path)
audio = np.array(audio, dtype = np.float32)
labels = concatenate_labels(category, speaker, dimensions, dimensions_dis)

return audio, labels

def get_samples_and_labels(filename, config):

# config = yaml.load(open('./config.yaml', 'r'))

wav_path = config['data']['sample_set_dir'] + "/" + filename
folder = filename[:-9]
label_path = config['data']['dataset_dir'] + "/Annotations/" + folder + ".txt"

with open(label_path, 'r') as label_file:

category = ""
dimensions = ""
speaker = ""

for row in label_file:
if row[0] == '[':
split = row.split("\t")
if split[1] == filename[:-4]:
category = get_emotion_from_label(split[2])
dimensions = cont2list(split[3])
dimensions_dis = cont2list(split[3], binned = True)
speaker = get_speaker_from_filename(filename)

audio = audio_utils.load_wav(wav_path)
audio = np.array(audio, dtype = np.float32)
labels = concatenate_labels(category, speaker, dimensions, dimensions_dis)

return audio, labels

def get_filenames(data_dir):

files = find_files(data_dir, ext = 'wav')
filenames = []

for f in files:
f = os.path.basename(f)[:-4]

return filenames

if __name__ == '__main__':

min_length = 0 # actual is 59
max_length = 688

data_dir = '/Users/Max/MScProject/data'
annotations_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "audio")
files = find_files(annotations_dir, ext = 'wav')

filenames = []
for f in files:
f = os.path.basename(f)

# Code for making mels and labels #
i = 0
found = 0
lengths = []
longest_length = 0
longest_name = ""
for f in filenames:
if i >10000:
wav, labels = get_wav_and_labels(f, data_dir)
# mel = audio_utils.wav2melspectrogram(wav)
labels = np.array(labels)
if labels[0] in range(0,4) and f[0:3] == 'Ses':

length = wav.shape[0]/16000.
# + "/mels/" + f[:-4] + ".npy", mel)
# + "/labels/" + f[:-4] + ".npy", labels)
found += 1

if length > longest_length:
longest_length = length
longest_name = f

i += 1
if i % 100 == 0:
print(i, " complete.")
print(found, "found.")

print(found, "found.")
print(f"longest + {longest_name}")

lengths = lengths[:int(len(lengths)*0.9)]
print("Total seconds =", np.sum(lengths))

# n, bins, patches = plt.hist(lengths, bins = 32)
# plt.xlabel('Sequence length / seconds')
# plt.xlim(0, 32)
# plt.ylabel('Count')
# plt.title(r'Histogram of sequence lengths for 4 emotional categories')

# Loop through mels for analysis #
# files = find_files(data_dir + "/mels", ext = 'npy')
# lengths = []
# for f in files:
# mel = np.load(f)
# lengths.append(mel.shape[1])
# # print(mel.shape)
# n, bins, patches = plt.hist(lengths, bins = 22)
# plt.xlabel('Sequence length')
# plt.ylabel('Count')
# plt.title(r'New histogram of sequence lengths for 4 emotional categories')

# Loop through labels for analysis #
# files = find_files(data_dir + "/labels", ext = 'npy')
# category_counts = np.zeros((4))
# speaker_counts = np.zeros((10))
# for f in files:
# labels = np.load(f)
# cat = int(labels[0])
# speaker = int(labels[1])
# category_counts[cat] += 1
# speaker_counts[speaker] += 1
# print(category_counts)
# print(speaker_counts)
# #### RESULTS ####
# # [ 549. 890. 996. 1605.] 4040 total
# # [416. 425. 353. 364. 448. 480. 342. 370. 473. 369.]
# #### # # # # ####
# def make_autopct(values):
# def my_autopct(pct):
# total = sum(values)
# val = int(round(pct*total/100.0))
# return '{p:.2f}% ({v:d})'.format(p=pct,v=val)
# return my_autopct
# plt.pie(category_counts, labels = ['Happy','Sad','Angry','Neutral'],
# autopct =make_autopct(category_counts), shadow=False)
# plt.pie(speaker_counts, labels = ['Ses01F','Ses01M','Ses02F','Ses02M','Ses03F',
# 'Ses03M','Ses04F','Ses04M','Ses05F','Ses05M'],
# autopct ='%1.1f%%', shadow=False)

# 1.34591066837310

# Finding min and max intensity of mels #
# i = 0
# mels_made = 0
# mel_lengths = []
# max_intensity = 0
# min_intensity = 99999999
# for f in filenames:
# wav, labels = get_wav_and_labels(f, data_dir)
# mel = audio_utils.wav2melspectrogram(wav)
# labels = np.array(labels)
# if labels[0] != -1:
# # mel_lengths.append(mel.shape[1])
# max_val = np.max(mel)
# min_val = np.min(mel)
# if max_val > max_intensity:
# max_intensity = max_val
# if min_val < min_intensity:
# min_intensity = min_val
# mels_made += 1
# i += 1
# if i % 100 == 0:
# # print(mel_lengths[mels_made-1])
# print(mel[:, 45])
# print(max_intensity, ", ", min_intensity)
# print(i, " complete.")
# print(mels_made, "mels made.")
# print("max = {}".format(max_intensity))
# print("min = {}".format(min_intensity))
#'./stats/all_mel_lengths', np.array(mel_lengths))
# n, bins, patches = plt.hist(mel_lengths, bins = 22)
# plt.xlabel('Sequence length')
# plt.ylabel('Count')
# plt.title(r'Histogram of sequence lengths for 4 emotional categories')
# mel_lengths = sorted(mel_lengths)
# print(mel_lengths[0:30])
# split_index = int(len(mel_lengths)*0.9)
# print(mel_lengths[split_index]) # IS MAX LENGTH OF mels
# print(mel_lengths[0]) # IS MIN LENGTH OF mels

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