Webcam-based motion detection using OpenCV and Qt6
Start Capture
begins capturing frames from the OS default capture device. A bounding box is drawn around moving objects.
Stop Capture
suspends video capture.
Reset Frame
Resets the reference frame once, click this when the camera is moved to a new position.
Resets the reference frame each capture, use this if the camera is in motion.
Use the sliders to adjust image processing settings.
Contour area
sets the minimum contour bounding-box area required to classify the contour as movement.
Blur size
sets the size of a blur filter used in image processing. Increase this for noisy environments or to "squash" smaller contours.
Diff threshold
sets the alpha threshold that must be met to consider two pixels different.
Change the Display layer
dropdown setting to select which frame to display in the viewport.
Set environment variable OPENCV_BUILD to your OpenCV build directory, build with QMake