An adapter contract to plug in front of the Safe SignMessageLib, producing EIP-712 signatures for Snapshot votes
All contracts are WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Address: 0x
(forwarding to SignMessageLib
at 0xd53cd0aB83D845Ac265BE939c57F53AD838012c9
First, you need to install the dependencies:
$ bun install
Then, you need to set up all the required env variable. Create a .env
file based on .env.example
Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:
$ bun run compile
Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain bindings:
$ bun run typechain
Run the tests with Hardhat:
$ bun run test
Lint the Solidity code:
$ bun run lint:sol
Lint the TypeScript code:
$ bun run lint:ts
Generate the code coverage report:
$ bun run coverage
See the gas usage per unit test and average gas per method call:
$ REPORT_GAS=true bun run test
Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:
$ bun run clean
Deploy the contract:
$ bun run deploy <network>
Currently the following values for <network>
are supported:
This project is licensed under MIT.