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Release Info

Yasser Elsayed edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 59 revisions

Did you get here from the release notification and just want to know how to upgrade?

Shutdown Datalab, run the following command, and then restart Datalab:

docker pull

Details about what has changed in each release are below.

1/27/2017 - v0.5.20170127 - Beta update #16

New Features:

  1. CLI option to enable automatic backups
  2. Automatically detect if websockets need to be proxied
  3. Support configuring user git email address for ungit
  4. Automatic integration with Google Cloud Source Repositories
  5. Option to shutdown VM from Datalab UI
  6. Added test framework using travis
  7. Use VM zone and name instead of ID for backups
  8. Restart SSH tunnel if it dies
  9. Upgrade to ungit 1.1.0

Bug fixes:

  1. Remove duplicate mount command from startup script
  2. Pop cell mini toolbar upward if there's not enough space downward
  3. Dark theme fixes
  4. Fix a bug when Datalab won't start if metadata server is down
  5. Increase the size of the default VM boot disk
  6. Clean up backup tar ball to reclaim space
  7. Explicitly configure gcloud to use the test project in release validation tests

1/10/2017 - v0.5.20170110 - Beta update #15

This release includes the changes from the previous two releases that were rolled back, along with fixes for the bugs that triggered those rollbacks.

The only visible changes you should see with this release are in the notebook extensions Datalab provides:

  1. Add the ability to set a default SQL dialect
  2. Fix for an issue when combining %%chart with UDF queries

12/10/2016 - v0.5.20161210 - Beta update #14

Fully Rolledback: This release has been rolled back to the previous release (Beta update #12) due to an issue where the Datalab frontend could not communicate with kernel gateways.

That bug was reported and is being tracked here

12/09/2016 - v0.5.20161209 - Beta update #13

Fully Rolledback: This release has been rolled back to the previous release due to an issue that caused Datalab to redirect to login and give a 404. We will try another release once the root cause has been found and fixed.

The tracking bug for the issue is here

11/15/2016 - v0.5.20161115 - Beta update #12

New Features:

Bug fixes:

11/2/2016 - v0.5.20161102 - Beta update #11

Fully Rolledback: This release has been rolled back to the previous release due to this issue. We will try another release once the root cause has been found and fixed.

New Features:

Bug fixes:

10/13/2016 - v0.5.20161013 - Beta update #10

Bug fixes:

10/06/2016 - v0.5.20161006 - Beta update #9

New features:

  • Datalab will remember the last directory the user opened and use that as the default the next time it is opened.

Bug fixes:

9/29/2016 - v0.5.20160929 - Beta update #8

New features:

  • Updated dataflow to version 0.4.2

9/28/2016 - v0.5.20160928 - Beta update #7

New features:

  • ML Alpha Functionality

9/27/2016 - v0.5.20160927 - Beta update #6

New features:

  • Cleaned up main tool bar with:
    • An easier to find "Sign In" button.
    • An indication of the current signed-in account.
    • The ability to select different themes.
  • Support a web-based OAuth flow for running with a backend in Google Compute Engine.
  • Turned on Jupyter's notebook notary feature.
  • Reduced the amount of command line output for the docker run command.
  • Assorted CSS fixes to make the UI more consistent.
  • Removed an unnecessary level of nesting from the docs directory.

8/9/2016 - v0.5.20160809 - Beta update #5

New features:

  • Greater flexibility and control over how Datalab runs. You can now run it on your own machine, and can (optionally) connect to a backend running on the Google Cloud Platform. You also now have full control over how your notebooks are managed. This version is a single user-version; i.e. each team member can run on their own machine or use their own VM. For more details, see here

Please note that the older, AppEngine Flex (formerly Managed VM) based versions of Datalab will soon be deprecated. So we urge you to upgrade to this version as soon as possible.

7/11/2016 - v0.5.20160711 - Beta update #4

New features:

  • Fixed an issue where the system could become stuck for a specific user if the file system operations to create the local copy of their workspace failed (#904).

7/7/2016 - v0.5.20160707 - Beta update #3

New features:

  • TensorFlow updated to version 0.7.1
  • gcloud updated to version 106.0.0
  • Fix for issue #884, where requests might be routed to the wrong Jupyter server.
  • Fixed an issue where deployments would fail if the project name contained the word "project" (#858)
  • Fixed another deployment issue when the 'datalab' branch has deleted (#788)

2/8/2016 - v0.5.20160208 - Beta update #2

New features:

11/25/2015 - v0.5.20151125 - Beta update #1

New features:

  • BigQuery UDF support - Use JavaScript user-defined functions within SQL queries
  • BigQuery federated data sources support - Use SQL to directly query structured data stored in Google Cloud Storage

Updated Sample Notebooks:

  • New sample notebooks have been added and existing ones have been updated.
  • Instructions to update your copy of samples are outlined in datalab/readme.ipynb, but in short: Please open the readme notebook, run it, and then commit the resulting changes to your repository.

Bug fixes:

  • Security fix to prevent users with “viewer” permission from accessing Datalab. Cloud project members within the 'Viewer' group are no longer authorized. Only 'Editors' and 'Owners' are. All users will need to launch Datalab via to access their Datalab instance at least once after updating, so their role can be validated.
  • Issues related to lost data due to notebook sync issues have been addressed Commits that sometimes were attributed to an unknown user are now properly attributed to the signed in user.
  • Notebooks saved as html will now show charts (charts may not be visible on github due to an underlying Google Charts issue)

Breaking change:

In order to accommodate more options for BigQuery federated data sources, the following API was changed. See datalab/tutorials/BigQuery/Importing and Exporting Data.ipynb for an example

  • Old:
Table.load(source, mode='create', source_format='csv',
           csv_delimiter=',', csv_skip_header_rows=0, encoding='utf-8',
           quote='"', allow_quoted_newlines=False, allow_jagged_rows=False, 
           ignore_unknown_values=False, max_bad_records=0)
  • New:
options = CSVOptions(delimiter=',', skip_leading_rows=0, encoding='utf-8',
             quote='"', allow_quoted_newlines=False, allow_jagged_rows=False)

Table.load(source, mode='create', source_format='csv', csv_options=options,
           ignore_unknown_values=False, max_bad_records=0)

10/12/2015 - v0.5.20151012 - Beta

  • First public release of Cloud Datalab (beta)
  • Main features: Support for using SQL with BigQuery and Python for interactive data exploration, visualization and analysis.
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