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Di-Ku edited this page Feb 6, 2017 · 5 revisions


Aspirational, subject to change based on feedback and resource availability. With that caveat, please read on ...

Q3 2015 - Initial beta

  • Interactive Python notebooks.
  • Ability to work with data to do data analysis, visualization, and transformation using Python, SQL and BigQuery
  • Ability to deploy DataLab as an AppEngine module in Google Cloud Platform.
  • Integrated with the git source repository associated with a Cloud Project for notebook management.

Q2 2016 - Second beta

  • Move off deprecated components: git commit UI in Cloud Console and related library components to move files
  • Enable local run scenario: allows us to move forward without building a git client and enables user credentials for access
  • Move cloud deployment from App Engine Flex to GCE - halves the cost for user and improves deployment
  • Initial CloudML beta support

Q1 2017 - V1 GA

  • Go from three deployment scenarios to one based on feedback: maximize focus, address pain-point of requiring local Docker installation. Focus will be on running notebook server and kernels in GCE
  • Streamlined cloud deployment: command line tool bundled with Cloud SDK
  • Bundled git client experience - likely using ungit
  • Automatic backups of notebooks from the persistent disk
  • Update libraries to match recent developments: Google SQL support in BigQuery
  • Dataproc-based deployment - through initialization actions
  • Significantly up-leveled CloudML experience to support code-free and code-full usage. Starting with images and structured data toolbox support. This is one of the largest areas of current and future investment

Beyond Q1 2017

(More broad brush strokes, timeline TBD)

  • Datalab as a service: walk up and use experience for getting started
  • Enable Drive-based collaboration experience: commenting and easier sharing. This will require Drive to be enabled with the appropriate account. No backend needed for browsing/editing. Code execution will require a VM
  • Simpler backend acquisition from Datalab UI
  • Further up-leveling of CloudML experience with significant toolbox additions for more scenarios
  • A data-first experience
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