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SQL optimizer and rewriter for laravel. - laravel 的 SQL 优化器和重写器。

简体中文 | ENGLISH

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  • 支持启发式算法语句优化建议、索引优化建议
  • 支持 EXPLAIN 信息丰富解读
  • 自动监控输出 SQL 优化建议
  • Soar barDebug barClockworkRay、JSON、Console、Dump、Log、Error log、Syslog、自定义输出器(多种场景输出)
  • 支持查询构建器生成 SQL 优化建议



  • PHP >= 7.4
  • ext-json
  • ext-pdo


$ composer require guanguans/laravel-soar --dev -v



$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Guanguans\\LaravelSoar\\SoarServiceProvider"

⚠️ 在 unix 操作系统非 cli 环境中运行时,可能会抛出 Fatal error: ...Exit Code: 2(Misuse of shell builtins)

# Fatal error: Uncaught Guanguans\SoarPHP\Exceptions\ProcessFailedException: The command "'/Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/bin/soar.darwin-amd64' '-report-type=json' '-query=select * from users;'" failed. Exit Code: 2(Misuse of shell builtins) Working directory: /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php Output: ================ Error Output: ================ panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x1938665] goroutine 1 [running]: pkg/mod/[email protected]/util/memory/meminfo.go:41 +0x65 pkg/mod/[email protected]/util/memory/meminfo.go:134 +0x175 in /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/src/Concerns/WithRunable.php:36 Stack trace: #0 /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/test.php(163): Guanguans\SoarPHP\Soar->run() #1 /User in /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/src/Concerns/WithRunable.php on line 36
SOAR_SUDO_PASSWORD='your sudo password' # 设置 sudo 密码,以 sudo 运行 soar 命令,避免出现上述错误。




namespace App\Admin\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

class SoarController extends Controller
    public function sqlScores()
        // 创建表
CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `email_verified_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `password` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `remember_token` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `users_email_unique` (`email`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

        // 插入数据
            'name'              => 'soar',
            'email'             => '[email protected]',
            'email_verified_at' => now(),
            'password'          => '$2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi',
            'remember_token'    => Str::random(10),

        // 更新数据
            'name'     => 'name',
            'password' => 'password',

        // 查询数据
        User::query()->where('name', 'soar')->groupBy('name')->having('created_at', '>', now())->get();

        // 删除数据
        User::query()->where('name', 'soar')->delete();

        // 删除表
        DB::select('DROP table `users`;');

        // return response()->json(['message' => 'ok']); // JSON 响应
        return response('ok'); // HTML 响应

自动监控输出 SQL 优化建议

Soar bar

Soar bar

Debug bar

Debug bar





Json 响应
    "message": "ok",
    "soar_scores": [
            "Summary": "[☆☆☆☆☆|0分|9.17ms|select * from `users` where `name` = 'soar' group by `name` having `created_at` > '2023-06-05 03:19:30']",
            "Basic": {
                "Sample": "select * from `users` where `name` = 'soar' group by `name` having `created_at` > '2023-06-05 03:19:30'",
                "Score": 0,
                "Star": "☆☆☆☆☆",
                "Time": "9.17ms",
                "Connection": "mysql",
                "Driver": "mysql",
                "Tables": [
            "HeuristicRules": [
                    "Item": "CLA.008",
                    "Severity": "L2",
                    "Summary": "请为 GROUP BY 显示添加 ORDER BY 条件",
                    "Content": "默认 MySQL 会对 'GROUP BY col1, col2, ...' 请求按如下顺序排序 'ORDER BY col1, col2, ...'。如果 GROUP BY 语句不指定 ORDER BY 条件会导致无谓的排序产生,如果不需要排序建议添加 'ORDER BY NULL'。",
                    "Case": "select c1,c2,c3 from t1 where c1='foo' group by c2",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "CLA.013",
                    "Severity": "L3",
                    "Summary": "不建议使用 HAVING 子句",
                    "Content": "将查询的 HAVING 子句改写为 WHERE 中的查询条件,可以在查询处理期间使用索引。",
                    "Case": "SELECT s.c_id,count(s.c_id) FROM s where c = test GROUP BY s.c_id HAVING s.c_id <> '1660' AND s.c_id <> '2' order by s.c_id",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "COL.001",
                    "Severity": "L1",
                    "Summary": "不建议使用 SELECT * 类型查询",
                    "Content": "当表结构变更时,使用 * 通配符选择所有列将导致查询的含义和行为会发生更改,可能导致查询返回更多的数据。",
                    "Case": "select * from tbl where id=1",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "ERR.002",
                    "Severity": "L8",
                    "Summary": "MySQL execute failed",
                    "Content": "Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by",
                    "Case": "",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "GRP.001",
                    "Severity": "L2",
                    "Summary": "不建议对等值查询列使用 GROUP BY",
                    "Content": "GROUP BY 中的列在前面的 WHERE 条件中使用了等值查询,对这样的列进行 GROUP BY 意义不大。",
                    "Case": "select film_id, title from film where release_year='2006' group by release_year",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "RES.001",
                    "Severity": "L4",
                    "Summary": "非确定性的 GROUP BY",
                    "Content": "SQL返回的列既不在聚合函数中也不是 GROUP BY 表达式的列中,因此这些值的结果将是非确定性的。如:select a, b, c from tbl where foo=\"bar\" group by a,该 SQL 返回的结果就是不确定的。",
                    "Case": "select c1,c2,c3 from t1 where c2='foo' group by c2",
                    "Position": 0
            "IndexRules": [
                    "Item": "IDX.001",
                    "Severity": "L2",
                    "Summary": "为laravel库的users表添加索引",
                    "Content": "为列name添加索引;为列created_at添加索引; 由于未开启数据采样,各列在索引中的顺序需要自行调整。",
                    "Case": "ALTER TABLE `laravel`.`users` add index `idx_name_created_at` (`name`(191),`created_at`) ;\n",
                    "Position": 0
            "Explain": [],
            "Backtraces": [
                "#13 /routes/web.php:53",
                "#38 /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/laravel-soar/src/Http/Middleware/OutputSoarScoreMiddleware.php:37",
                "#59 /public/index.php:55",
                "#60 /server.php:21"
            "Summary": "[★★★★☆|75分|205.25ms|CREATE TABLE `users` (\n  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n  `email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n  `email_verified_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n  `password` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n  `remember_token` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n  `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n  `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `users_email_unique` (`email`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;]",
            "Basic": {
                "Sample": "CREATE TABLE `users` (\n  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n  `email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n  `email_verified_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n  `password` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n  `remember_token` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n  `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n  `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n  UNIQUE KEY `users_email_unique` (`email`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;",
                "Score": 75,
                "Star": "★★★★☆",
                "Time": "205.25ms",
                "Connection": "mysql",
                "Driver": "mysql",
                "Tables": [
            "HeuristicRules": [
                    "Item": "CLA.011",
                    "Severity": "L1",
                    "Summary": "建议为表添加注释",
                    "Content": "为表添加注释能够使得表的意义更明确,从而为日后的维护带来极大的便利。",
                    "Case": "CREATE TABLE `test1` (`ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`c1` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "COL.004",
                    "Severity": "L1",
                    "Summary": "请为列添加默认值",
                    "Content": "请为列添加默认值,如果是 ALTER 操作,请不要忘记将原字段的默认值写上。字段无默认值,当表较大时无法在线变更表结构。",
                    "Case": "CREATE TABLE tbl (col int) ENGINE=InnoDB;",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "COL.005",
                    "Severity": "L1",
                    "Summary": "列未添加注释",
                    "Content": "建议对表中每个列添加注释,来明确每个列在表中的含义及作用。",
                    "Case": "CREATE TABLE tbl (col int) ENGINE=InnoDB;",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "KWR.003",
                    "Severity": "L1",
                    "Summary": "不建议使用复数做列名或表名",
                    "Content": "表名应该仅仅表示表里面的实体内容,不应该表示实体数量,对应于 DO 类名也是单数形式,符合表达习惯。",
                    "Case": "CREATE TABLE tbl ( `books` int )",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "SEC.002",
                    "Severity": "L0",
                    "Summary": "不使用明文存储密码",
                    "Content": "使用明文存储密码或者使用明文在网络上传递密码都是不安全的。如果攻击者能够截获您用来插入密码的SQL语句,他们就能直接读到密码。另外,将用户输入的字符串以明文的形式插入到纯SQL语句中,也会让攻击者发现它。如果您能够读取密码,黑客也可以。解决方案是使用单向哈希函数对原始密码进行加密编码。哈希是指将输入字符串转化成另一个新的、不可识别的字符串的函数。对密码加密表达式加点随机串来防御“字典攻击”。不要将明文密码输入到SQL查询语句中。在应用程序代码中计算哈希串,只在SQL查询中使用哈希串。",
                    "Case": "create table test(id int,name varchar(20) not null,password varchar(200)not null)",
                    "Position": 0
                    "Item": "STA.003",
                    "Severity": "L1",
                    "Summary": "索引起名不规范",
                    "Content": "建议普通二级索引以idx_为前缀,唯一索引以uk_为前缀。",
                    "Case": "select col from now where type!=0",
                    "Position": 0
            "IndexRules": [],
            "Explain": [],
            "Backtraces": [
                "#9 /routes/web.php:22",
                "#34 /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/laravel-soar/src/Http/Middleware/OutputSoarScoreMiddleware.php:37",
                "#55 /public/index.php:55",
                "#56 /server.php:21"
            "Summary": "[★★★★☆|80分|1.72ms|update `users` set `name` = 'name', `password` = 'password', `users`.`updated_at` = '2023-06-05 03:19:30']",
            "Basic": {
                "Sample": "update `users` set `name` = 'name', `password` = 'password', `users`.`updated_at` = '2023-06-05 03:19:30'",
                "Score": 80,
                "Star": "★★★★☆",
                "Time": "1.72ms",
                "Connection": "mysql",
                "Driver": "mysql",
                "Tables": [
            "HeuristicRules": [
                    "Item": "CLA.015",
                    "Severity": "L4",
                    "Summary": "UPDATE 未指定 WHERE 条件",
                    "Content": "UPDATE 不指定 WHERE 条件一般是致命的,请您三思后行",
                    "Case": "update tbl set col=1",
                    "Position": 0
            "IndexRules": [],
            "Explain": [
                    "Item": "EXP.000",
                    "Severity": "L0",
                    "Summary": "Explain信息",
                    "Content": [
                        "| id | select\\_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key\\_len | ref | rows | filtered | scalability | Extra |",
                        "| 1  | UPDATE | *users* | NULL | index | NULL | PRIMARY | 8 | NULL | 1 | ☠️ **100.00%** | ☠️ **O(n)** | NULL |"
                    "Case": [
                        "### Explain信息解读",
                        "#### Type信息解读",
                        "* **index**: 全表扫描, 只是扫描表的时候按照索引次序进行而不是行. 主要优点就是避免了排序, 但是开销仍然非常大."
                    "Position": 0
            "Backtraces": [
                "#10 /routes/web.php:48",
                "#35 /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/laravel-soar/src/Http/Middleware/OutputSoarScoreMiddleware.php:37",
                "#56 /public/index.php:55",
                "#57 /server.php:21"
            "Summary": "[★★★★★|90分|940μs|delete from `users` where `name` = 'soar']",
            "Basic": {
                "Sample": "delete from `users` where `name` = 'soar'",
                "Score": 90,
                "Star": "★★★★★",
                "Time": "940μs",
                "Connection": "mysql",
                "Driver": "mysql",
                "Tables": [
            "HeuristicRules": [
                    "Item": "SEC.003",
                    "Severity": "L0",
                    "Summary": "使用DELETE/DROP/TRUNCATE等操作时注意备份",
                    "Content": "在执行高危操作之前对数据进行备份是十分有必要的。",
                    "Case": "delete from table where col = 'condition'",
                    "Position": 0
            "IndexRules": [
                    "Item": "IDX.001",
                    "Severity": "L2",
                    "Summary": "为laravel库的users表添加索引",
                    "Content": "为列name添加索引; 由于未开启数据采样,各列在索引中的顺序需要自行调整。",
                    "Case": "ALTER TABLE `laravel`.`users` add index `idx_name` (`name`(191)) ;\n",
                    "Position": 0
            "Explain": [
                    "Item": "EXP.000",
                    "Severity": "L0",
                    "Summary": "Explain信息",
                    "Content": [
                        "| id | select\\_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key\\_len | ref | rows | filtered | scalability | Extra |",
                        "| 1  | DELETE | *users* | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | ☠️ **100.00%** | ☠️ **O(n)** | Using where |"
                    "Case": [
                        "### Explain信息解读",
                        "#### Type信息解读",
                        "* ☠️ **ALL**: 最坏的情况, 从头到尾全表扫描.",
                        "#### Extra信息解读",
                        "* **Using where**: WHERE条件用于筛选出与下一个表匹配的数据然后返回给客户端. 除非故意做的全表扫描, 否则连接类型是ALL或者是index, 且在Extra列的值中没有Using Where, 则该查询可能是有问题的."
                    "Position": 0
            "Backtraces": [
                "#10 /routes/web.php:56",
                "#35 /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/laravel-soar/src/Http/Middleware/OutputSoarScoreMiddleware.php:37",
                "#56 /public/index.php:55",
                "#57 /server.php:21"
            "Summary": "[★★★★★|100分|9.59ms|insert into `users` (`name`, `email`, `email_verified_at`, `password`, `remember_token`) values ('soar', '[email protected]', '2023-06-05 03:19:30', '$2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi', 'lEtsoV3wHW')]",
            "Basic": {
                "Sample": "insert into `users` (`name`, `email`, `email_verified_at`, `password`, `remember_token`) values ('soar', '[email protected]', '2023-06-05 03:19:30', '$2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi', 'lEtsoV3wHW')",
                "Score": 100,
                "Star": "★★★★★",
                "Time": "9.59ms",
                "Connection": "mysql",
                "Driver": "mysql",
                "Tables": [
            "HeuristicRules": [],
            "IndexRules": [],
            "Explain": [
                    "Item": "EXP.000",
                    "Severity": "L0",
                    "Summary": "Explain信息",
                    "Content": [
                        "| id | select\\_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key\\_len | ref | rows | filtered | scalability | Extra |",
                        "| 1  | INSERT | *users* | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0.00% | ☠️ **O(n)** | NULL |"
                    "Case": [
                        "### Explain信息解读",
                        "#### Type信息解读",
                        "* ☠️ **ALL**: 最坏的情况, 从头到尾全表扫描."
                    "Position": 0
            "Backtraces": [
                "#10 /routes/web.php:43",
                "#35 /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/laravel-soar/src/Http/Middleware/OutputSoarScoreMiddleware.php:37",
                "#56 /public/index.php:55",
                "#57 /server.php:21"






Error log
  1. 实现该接口


namespace Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Contracts;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

interface Output
     * @param \Illuminate\Console\Events\CommandFinished|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $dispatcher
    public function shouldOutput($dispatcher): bool;

     * @param \Illuminate\Console\Events\CommandFinished|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $dispatcher
    public function output(Collection $scores, $dispatcher);
  1. config/soar.php 中配置输出器即可

return [
    'output' => [
        Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Outputs\LogOutput::class => ['channel' => 'daily', 'level' => 'warning'],

Artisan 命令

╰─ php artisan                                                                            ─╯
Available commands:
  soar:clear                            Clear the Soar log file
  soar:run                              Run Soar with the given options
  soar:score                            Get the Soar scores of the given SQL statements


Soar 实例及方法

app('soar'); // 获取 Soar 实例

 * Soar 门面.
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar create(array $options = [], null|string $soarBinary = null)
 * @method static string help()
 * @method static string version()
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar clone()
 * @method static array arrayScores(array|string $sqls, int $depth = 512, int $options = 0)
 * @method static string jsonScores(array|string $sqls)
 * @method static string htmlScores(array|string $sqls)
 * @method static string markdownScores(array|string $sqls)
 * @method static string scores(array|string $sqls)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar addOptions(array $options)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar addOption(string $key, void $value)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar removeOptions(array $keys)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar removeOption(string $key)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar onlyOptions(array $keys = ['-test-dsn','-online-dsn'])
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar onlyOption(string $key)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar setOptions(array $options)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar setOption(string $key, void $value)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar mergeOptions(array $options)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar mergeOption(string $key, void $value)
 * @method static array getOptions()
 * @method static void getOption(string $key, void $default = null)
 * @method static string getSerializedNormalizedOptions()
 * @method static array getNormalizedOptions()
 * @method static string getSoarBinary()
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar setSoarBinary(string $soarBinary)
 * @method static void dd(void ...$args)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar dump(void ...$args)
 * @method static string run(array|string $withOptions = [], null|callable $processTapper = null, null|callable $callback = null)
 * @method static \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar|\Illuminate\Support\HigherOrderTapProxy tap(null|callable $callback = null)
 * @see \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Soar
class Soar{}


namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent {
     * @method string toRawSql()
     * @method void dumpRawSql()
     * @method void ddRawSql()
     * @method array toSoarArrayScores(int $depth = 512, int $options = 0)
     * @method void dumpSoarArrayScores(int $depth = 512, int $options = 0)
     * @method void ddSoarArrayScores(int $depth = 512, int $options = 0)
     * @method string toSoarJsonScores()
     * @method void dumpSoarJsonScores()
     * @method void ddSoarJsonScores()
     * @method string toSoarHtmlScores()
     * @method void echoSoarHtmlScores()
     * @method void exitSoarHtmlScores()
     * @mixin \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
     * @see \Guanguans\LaravelSoar\Macros\QueryBuilderMacro
     * @see \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    class Builder


$ composer test


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请参阅 CONTRIBUTING 有关详细信息。





MIT 许可证(MIT)。有关更多信息,请参见协议文件