This project is a crash course from 🚀Rocketseat🚀 focused on building an app from start to finish.
selected track: impulse The project consists of a widget feedback that can be integrated into any website or application.
- 🌐 Web (Frontend)
- ⚙️ Server (Backend)
- 📱 Mobile
Click here to test how it turned out!
- Typescript
- NodeJS
- React
- React Native
- Expo
- Railway
- Vercel
the following are some used libs that I would like to highlight them
inside the server folder, you need to run the commands below:
npm install //install the dependencies
npx prisma migrate dev //Create tables in the database
npm run dev //run the service
If you have docker you can run the database with the following line
docker run --name postgres -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Postgres2022!" -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Remember to create the .env file with the Postgresql database connection
By default the website will run on port 3333.
If you want to change the service port inside the .env file, create the environment variable PORT
inside the web folder, you need to run the commands below:
npm install //install the dependencies
npm run dev //run the service
By default the website will run on port 3000
To connect with the backend remember to create the .env.local file (like the example file .env.example)
inside the mobile folder, you need to run the commands below:
yarn install //install the dependencies
yarn start || npm run start || expo start //run the service
To call the backend service it is necessary to change the ip in the file in the following path
This repository is aimed at my growth as a developer and with that I want to apply some good practices such as:
- Documentation
- conventional commits