In this repository I want to give a plain starting point at how to build a WebAPI with ASP.NET Core connected with database following the principles of Clean Architecture. This repository contains a controllers which are dealing with Products, Categories and Brands. You can Secured GET/POST/PUT/PATCH and DELETE them.
.NET 7
Database: Microsoft SQL server.
Framework/ library: Entity framework
Generated JWS key :
As soon you build and run your application, default users and roles get added to the database.
Default Roles are as follows.
- SuperAdmin
- Admin
- Moderator
- User Here are the credentials for the default users.
Email - [email protected] / Password - 123456 Email - [email protected] / Password - 123456
- User registration;
- Email verification
- User login
- Password hashing;
- Role-based authorization;
- Identity Seeding
- Database Seeding
- Assign roles to users who signed up
- Hide or display different parts of a page based on the user's roles.
- Endpoints request required authorized access.
- Login via access token creation;
- Refresh tokens, to create new access tokens when access tokens expire;
- Cookies to store refresh tokens in it.
- Revoking refresh tokens.
- Secured CRUD operations(Create (POST) - Read (GET) - Update (PUT) - Delete (DELETE))
If you have ideas on how to improve the API or if you want to add a new functionality or fix a bug, please, send a pull request.