A generic formula parser for molecules using DP.
Start the Spring application and visit http://localhost:8080
. To see the formula brekup make a get call with route as parse
and the next path variable is the formula.
http://localhost:8080/parse/NACL : Generates NA*CL*
The parser is case sensitive.
http://localhost:8080/parse/NAli: Generate N*Al*i*
and http://localhost:8080/parse/Nali : Generates Na*li*
and http://localhost:8080/parse/nacl : Generates na*cl*
It also accepts numbers
http://localhost:8080/parse/Nal2cl334naclna: Generates N*al*2*cl*334*na*cl*na*
Define you custom fragments and their mass in src/main/resources/static/AtomicMassData.plg.