This release adds Hass.io Ingress support to the add-on 🎉
- ⬆️ Updates node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket to v0.10.2 (#183)
- ⬆️ Updates js-yaml to v3.13.1 (#182)
- ⬆️ Updates node-red to v0.20.5 (#181)
- ⬆️ Upgrades base image to v3.1.0
- ⬆️ Upgrades gcc to 8.3.0-r0
- ✨ Adds Hassio Ingress support
- 🔨 Simplifies add-on code logic
- 📚 Updates README for Hassio Ingress
- 📚 Updates README installation instructions
- 📚 Removed obsolete embedding and FAQ sections from README
- ⬆️ Updates node-red-node-serialport to v0.8.1 (#185)
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