This repository contains the notebooks for graph visualisation basics with Python using packages such as SchemDraw
, NetworkX
, and graphviz
. The notebooks are used for the following Medium posts in Towards Data Science:
Graph visualisation basics with Python Part II: Directed graph with NetworkX
Graph Visualisation Basics with Python, Part III: Directed Graphs with graphviz
Himalaya Bir Shrestha
Download and clone this repository.
The virutal environment can be created using:
conda env create -n graphs --file graphs-environment.yml
- Once the environment is installed, it can be activated using:
conda activate graphs
- To create a kernel for the notebook:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name graphs --display-name "graphs"
If the environment is not required anymore, it can also be removed easily using:
conda env remove -n graphs
- Add notebooks for:
- Flowcharts
- Directed graphs using NetworkX
- Directed graphs using graphviz