Bird Species Identification is an end-to-end CNN Image Classification Model which identifies the bird species in an image. It can identify over 275 different bird species.
It is based upon pre-trained Image Classification Models that comes with Keras and then retrained on the Bird Species Dataset.
I've trained the model on 4 different CNN Architectures to get an overview of how each network performs.
Model :
Accuracy :95.56%
Model :
Accuracy :95.20%
Model :
Accuracy :96.58%
Model :
Accuracy :95.13%
After training the model, I've exported it in .hfd5 format and then integrated it with the streamlit Web Framework
Streamlit is an open-source app framework that turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes.
Once I got the App running on my local environment, I then deployed the App on the Heroku platform.
To view the Deployed app Click here
The app may take a couple of seconds to load for the first time, but it works perfectly fine.
If you want to dive deeper on how the model was trained check out
: Tells which files/folders to ignore while tracking.slugignore
: Contains which files to be removed after you push code to Heroku and before the buildpack
: Contains web app code built using streamlit
: Some of used fuctions
: Jupyter Notebook used to train and evaluate ModelsModels
: Contains all the models in .hfd5 formatrequirements.txt
: List of required dependencies