hi-cicd is a hi-cli module for continuous integration and delivery based on Openshift
- Install hi-cli, please add sudo at the beginning of below installation commands if you are not root.
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hi-cli/hi-cli/master/bin/install/init)"
- Install hi-cicd
hi install cicd
Please make sure that openshift client oc is installed on your bash (or git bash).
type oc version to confirm if oc is installed.
oc version
If you are using zsh, you can install oc command completion
- make a directory that host your app
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
- Clone the source code
git clone [email protected]:my-project/my-app.git
- switch to your working directory, make sure your working directory is my-project/my-app/ (type pwd to check)
cd my-app
- Init hi-cli
hi init
- Deploy java / nodejs new app to my-project-dev
hi cicd deploy new
- Deploy java / nodejs app to my-project-stage using my-project/my-app:dev image stream
hi cicd deploy profile=stage
- hi cicd deploy command options
deploy as new application
dev, test, stage, prod
# default value is dev
# e.g.: hi cicd deploy new profile=stage
s2i-java, s2i-nodejs, s2i-nodejs:6.9.5
Asia/Shanghai is the default value
dev, stage
# default value is dev
[a-z] # used for blue-green deployment
# default value is null
# e.g. hi cicd deploy new build postfix=blue