You will need this when configuring the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform UI.
System Settings -> User Authentication
-> Authentication Type: Active Directory
-> Security Protocol: LDAPS
-> Service Location: ${ad_server_ip} | Port: 636
-> Bind Type: Search Bind
-> User Attribute: sAMAccountName
-> Base DN: CN=Users,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com
-> Bind DN: cn=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com
-> Bind Password: 5ambaPwd@
Two AD groups and two AD users were created automatically when the enviroment was provisioned:
in theDemoTenantUsers
group with passwordpass123
in theDemoTenantAdmins
group with passwordpass123
Recommended reading:
E.g. Demo Tenant
Tenant Settings
-> External User Groups: CN=DemoTenantAdmins,CN=Users,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com | Admin
-> External User Groups: CN=DemoTenantUsers,CN=Users,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com | Member
- Login to BlueData as
- you should be taken to the Demo Tenant and have 'Admin' privileges - Create a new user (see below)
- Login to BlueData as
- you should be taken to the Demo Tenant and have 'Member' privileges
Sometimes it's useful to browse the AD tree with a graphical interface. This section describes how to connect with the open source Apache Directory Studio.
- Download and install Apache Director Studio
- In Apache Directory Studio, create a new connection:
- Connection name: choose something meaningful
- Hostname: ${docker_host}
- Port: 636
- Connection timeout(s): 30
- Encryption method: No encryption
- Provider: Apache Directory LDAP Client API
- Click Next
- Authentication Method: Simple Authentication
- Bind DN or user: cn=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com
- Bind password: 5ambaPwd@
- Click Finish