This project makes it easy to setup HPE Container Platform demo/trial environments on AWS
- The goal of this project is to easily create HPE Container Platform demo and trial environments.
- The concepts demonstrated in this project are not suitable for production environments.
- This project is for frequently creating and tearing down demo/trial environments.
- This project is not for creating and managing long-living demo/trial environments.
- Please read the project license before using this project.
IMPORTANT: If you haven't yet had any exposure to HPE Container Platform, you should head to HPE Demonstration Portal (search for HPE Container Plaftorm) where you can schedule to run some demo workflows. This is available for HPE Employees and Partners only.
The following installed locally:
- Terraform - installation instructions|downloads
- AWS CLI - installation instructions
This project has been tested on Linux and OSX client machines - Windows is unlikely to work.
# If you haven't already configured the aws CLI with your credentials, run the following:
aws configure
# clone this project
git clone https://github.com/hpe-container-platform-community/hcp-demo-env-aws-terraform
cd hcp-demo-env-aws-terraform
# create a copy
cp ./etc/bluedata_infra.tfvars_example_picasso_mlops ./etc/bluedata_infra.tfvars
# edit to reflect your requirements
vi ./etc/bluedata_infra.tfvars
# initialise terraform
terraform init
For many more configuration options, see etc/bluedata_infra.tfvars_template
We are now ready to automate the environment setup ...
This may take 30 minutes or more until it is complete.
If the above script has run without error, you can retrieve the RDP/brower endpoint and credentials using:
Use a Remote Desktop Client or open a webbrowser into the RDP host. You are then ready to configure your HPE Container Platform deployment with Gateways, Hosts, License, etc. For more information on the RDP server, see the README.
README for troubleshooting help.
README for basic cost estimates for your AWS environment
README for stopping, starting and viewing the status of your EC2 instances
README for information on your pre-configured RDP Server
README for destroying your demo environment in AWS
README for increasing worked node counts.
README for information on setting up HCP with Active Directory/LDAP.
README for information on setting up HCP with an imported EKS Cluster.
README for information on setting up MAPR with Active Directory/LDAP.
README for information on setting up External MAPR.
README how to create a vpn to your AWS deployment.
README for information on sharing the environment with non-terraform users.
README setting up HCP SSL/TLS certificates.
README for information on the data fabric architecture.
README for information on setting up MAPR data tiering.
README using wireshark to inspect/debug API calls
README connect to a ceph instance from a python notebook
README connect to a ceph instance from a pyspark notebook
README this project's design principles.
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