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gka edited this page Mar 29, 2013 · 1 revision

Datawrapper JSON API

This API is mainly used by the Datawrapper web front-end, and could be used to develop Datawrapper front-ends for other platforms (Desktop, Mobile).


GET /charts/

Get a list of all charts by the logged user. See /charts/:id for sample output of each chart.

GET /charts/:id

Get the configuration of a specific chart.

Sample result:

{ "status":"ok",
    "title":"This is a fancy chart",
    "authorId": 1,
    "createdAt":"2012-07-23 14:00:19",
    "lastModifiedAt":"2012-07-25 18:49:56",
          "source":"clipboard" },
          "selected-row":"60" },
          "number-unit":"Mio. T. SKE" },

PUT /charts/:id

Update the chart info for a specific chart.

Expects the same

PUT /charts/:id/data

Upload new data for a specific chart. Uses the request body directly.

POST /charts/:id/data

Upload new data for a specific chart using HTTP file upload.

POST /charts/

Create a new, empty chart

GET /gallery/

Returns a list of charts that are allowed to be published in the gallery.

DELETE /charts/:id

Detele a chart.

POST /charts/:id/copy

Copies a chart and returns the ID of the new chart.

Sample output:

{ "status": "ok", "id": "heUE3" }


POST /auth/login

Logs in a user. Expects:

	"email": "…",
	"pwhash": "…", // SHA256 hash of the password
	"time": "" // unix timestamp used for hashing the password

GET /auth/salt

Request the server salt and timestamp for secure password transmission.

POST /auth/logout

Logs out the current user. Will remove the session.


GET /account

Return account of the currently logged user.

PUT /account/lang

Update the language.

POST /account/reset-password

Sends a password reset link to the email address of registered and activated users.


	"email": "[email protected]"

POST /account/resend-activation

Re-sends the email with the activation link. Requires a valid session.


GET /users

Get a list of all registered users. Requires a valid session with admin rights.

POST /users

Create a new user (sign in).


PUT /users/:id

Updates the profile information of a specific user.


GET /visualizations

Get a list of all available visualizations.