Art Hack Day website.
System Prereqs (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint):
- libreadline6
- libreadline6-dev
- sqlite3
- libsqlite3-dev
- postgresql-9.1 NOTE: This is apparently required even though it is only needed in production
- postgresql-server-dev-9.1
- Heroku CLI
Ruby Prereqs:
- rvm
- Ruby 2.6.6 (
rvm install ruby-2.6.6
) - Rails (
- NB: if you have several rubies installed, you may need to switch to the right one. To see which rubies you have installed type
rvm list
and switch to 2.6.6 withrvm use 2.6.6
- NB NB: If you already have 2.6.6 installed, the Gemfile will now automatically use that one.
Application Install:
- bundle install --without production
- rake db:migrate
- rails s
- open the app on http://localhost:3000/
You will want to clone from Github (not Heroku) and then add the Heroku staging instance as a remote to push changes to, where changes can be previewed in a way that's nearly idential to the live site. To do that, run these commands on your machine:
git clone arthackday-staging
heroku git:remote -a arthackday-staging
heroku keys:add
To push to staging, type this from inside the arthackday-staging directory:
git push heroku master
Create an organizer account if you don't have one by going to /admin and registering. You will need the latest secret invite code to register. By default, an organizer has no ability to edit things tied to a specific event, so for your local development environment, you'll want to bump yourself to org-level admin. You can do so for your dev environment by running this rake task from inside arthackday-staging:
heroku run rake arthackday:level_up_organizer[[email protected]]
Most admin functionality hasn't been stitched together into a cohesive user experience yet. To add a new venue, participant, or project, navigate to /admin and navigate to the list of any of those things and click edit. To edit an event, go to /events after logging in as an admin and click the special New Event link visible only to organizers.
To get the latest and greatest data from production into your local build to test and develop with, you'll want to follow these several steps:
For macOS:
Download and install Postgres 9.1 or above
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Once brew is installed, run this to install postgres:
brew doctor
brew update
brew install postgres
There might be some additional steps needed if you want to run postgres on startup, see: for deets.
For Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-client-9.1
Once you have postgres installed, you can manage postgres through the command line like some sort of ancient rite of passage or you can install pgAdmin.
For macOS:
Go to, download the latest dmg and follow the installer's instructions.
For Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
Postgres should create a default "postgres" user without a password to log into pgAdmin with. Rails doesn't seem to like logging into pg without a password, so you'll want to create one with a password, typically named the same as your system's login username. Right click on Login Roles and click New login role. Check off all privileges except Can create roles.
After creating your user, create a database and name it "arthackday-development" with that user as the DB owner.
Once you have an empty arthackday-development database owned by the user you made, download a dump of the latest data from production from inside the arthackday-website project drectory:
heroku pgbackups:capture
curl -o latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url`
Then restore it into your local pg database:
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d arthackdayweb_development latest.dump
Congrats! Now you have an exact copy of the production database on your manchine. To wire it up to Rails you'll want to edit Gemfile by uncommenting the 'pg' gem in the :development group:
gem 'pg'
You'll also want to edit config/database.yml and comment out the sqlite adapter and database under :development so that it looks like this:
##adapter: sqlite3
adapter: postgresql
##database: db/development.sqlite3
database: arthackdayweb_development
encoding: utf8
username: yourpostgresusername
password: yourpostgrespassword
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
Stop rails if it's running and run rake db:migrate
. Start rails again and you should see the site with the data from the postgres dump. Yay!
IMPORTANT! Before committing a change to Github, put the config/database.yml back to its original state, otherwise people not running postgres with your username and password will have to change this back to sqlite every time they pull:
git checkout config/database.yml
...restart Rails and run rake db:migrate
again. Now both config/database.yml and db/schema.rb should no longer show up when you run git status
and it should be safe to commit your changes.
Assuming you have been assigned as a collaborator for and you have installed Heroku CLI, push to staging by adding Heroku to your list of git remotes using this command and then pushing:
git remote rm heroku
heroku git:remote -a arthackday-staging
git push heroku master
Refresh and make sure it works.
Assuming you have been assigned as a collaborator for, you need to install Heroku CLI and add Heroku to your list of git remotes using this command:
heroku git:remote -a arthackday-website
(NB: if you've pushed to staging first you'll need to remove the remote pointing to staging first with this command "git remote rm heroku").
After the remote has been added, you can push your changes (after pulling the latest from Github and committing the changes you're made) with this command:
git push heroku master
If your changes don't show up after deploying, treat the Heroku instance like a Windows 98 box and restart it with the following:
heroku restart
If even that doesn't work, try clearing your cache and stuff.
Unless where otherwise noted, this website is distributed under the Chicken Dance License (CDL). Please see the included copy of the license (CDL-LICENSE.txt) for deets and the included example instructions for the chicken dance (DANCE.txt). Video delivery may be conducted via electronic mail by sending a link to the video file directly or through an HTML5-based online viewer to arthackday at gmail dot com. Physical video delivery will only be accepted in HD-DVD or Betamax format and must be delivered to the following address:
Art Hack Day c/o Gray Area Foundation 2665 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94110
Logos and other digital artworks contained in this repository are owned by their respective owners and subject to their own less chickeny copyright rules.