This repository contains code for the ArXiv paper: "Attributing Culture-Conditioned Generations to Pretraining Corpora".
- Introduction
- Environment Setup
- Collecting Generations
- Extracting Culture Symbols
- MEMOed Framework
- Tracing Weak Association Generalization to Memorization and Diffuse Association
- Cross-Culture Generalization
- Evaluation
In this work, we analyze culture biases in culture-conditioned generations by examining how models associate entities,referred to as “symbols,” with cultures based on patterns in pretraining data. We examine OLMo-7b
and its open pretraining data Dolma
. We propose a symbol attribution framework MEMOed
to attribute symbols in culture-conditioned generations to culture-symbol memorization from pretraining data. We also examine other types of culture-symbol associations found in the generations, including diffuse association, cross-culture generalization and weak association generalization.
Run the following command in your local machine, to recreate the environment we used for running our experiments:
conda env create -f environment.yml -p <CONDA PATH>
To prompt a language model for topic-wise culture-conditioned generations, run the following script:
python culture-gen-scripts/ \
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--num_samples __ # default=100 \
--prompt # flag to prompt the model and elicit generations \
--shorten # flag to extract symbols from the generation \
--overwrite # flag to overwrite existing cache \
--probably # add "probably" to prompt \
--topic_list __ # [food, clothing]
To extract all possible n-gram (n=[1,2,3,4]
) cultural symbols and get a dictionary of valid cultural symbols, run the following script:
python culture-gen-scripts/ \
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--num_samples __ # default=100 \
--probably # prompted with "probably" \
--topic_list __ # [food, clothing] \
--extract # extract all possible ngram candidate symbols \
--probability # calculate symbol-culture joint probability \
--choose # get mapping for retrieving valid cultural symbols
A symbol-culture mapping is stored using the joint probability in {args.home_dir}/probable_data/categories_nationality_{args.num_samples}_{args.model_name}_prob={args.probably}_value_to_culture_mapping_{topic}.json
. The keys of this mapping pertain to all valid cultural symbols from our generations.
To extract diffuse association symbols from the complete list of valid symbols, run the following script:
python culture-gen-scripts/ \
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--num_samples __ # default=100 \
--probably # prompted with "probably" \
--topic_list __ # [food, clothing] \
--overwrite # flag to overwrite existing cache
MEMOed pipeline, demonstrated with Malaysian culture on food topic.
To classify and store IDs for documents which are contributory to a culture-symbol association, run the following script:
python memoed-scripts/ \
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--topic __ # topic of interest in [food, clothing] \
--multiproc # Flag for using multiprocessing
A cache is created for all cultures with a list of contributory documents for the symbols which it generated from the language model in: {args.home_dir}/memoed_scripts/training_document_classification_{args.model_name}_{topic}.json
The classified pretraining documents with their IDs and corresponding metric scores in our paper are released at Zenodo.
Cache is stored in the following format as a JSON
"{symbol_1}": {
"{culture_A}": [
[<document_id>, <d-SNR score>, <d-SENT score>, <d-TOK score>],
"{culture_B}": [
"{symbol_2}": {
To access the content of a single document, one can retrieve the document_id
from the structure given below and execute the following:
To classify a symbol-culture association as memorization using the cache created above, run the following script:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from es import count_documents_containing_phrases, get_document_ids_containing_phrases, get_documents_containing_phrases
# Elasticsearch connection setup
es = Elasticsearch(
cloud_id="<inset cloud ID>",
api_key="<insert API key>",
index = "<insert relevant index>"
doc = es.get(index="<index>", id="<document_id>")
document_text = doc['_source']['text']
python memoed-scripts/ \
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--topic __ # topic of interest in [food, clothing] \
--symbol __ # if check an individual topic symbol is memorized \
--calc_memorization # flag for generating memorization stats \
--plot_world_map # plot the world map with memorization counts \
--calc_corr # correlation between counts of memorized symbols and pre-training occurences of a culture
The script generates the geographical distribution of memorization:
To trace symbols that are weak associations generalized from memorization or diffuse association, run the following script:
python memoed-scripts/ \
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--topic __ # topic of interest in [food, clothing] \
--overlap_coefficient __ # Overlap coefficient threshold
To assess cross-culture generalization, first extract training documents containing the target symbol and contributing to the association between the two cultures of interest. Run the following script for the same:
python memoed-scripts/\
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--topic __ # topic of interest in [food, clothing] \
--symbol __ # symbol of interest \
--culture_one __ # first culture of interest \
--culture_two __ # second culture of interest \
--multiproc # Flag for using multiprocessing
Subsequently, run the following script to perform topic modeling on the relevant documents and extract keywords:
python memoed-scripts/\
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--topic __ # topic of interest in [food, clothing] \
--symbol __ # symbol of interest \
--culture_one __ # first culture of interest \
--culture_two __ # second culture of interest \
--model_topics # flag for modeling topics from the docs \
--extract_topics # flag for extracting topics using LLAMA3 \
--generate_embeddings # flag for generating embeddings of the topics \
--extract_keywords # flag for extracting keywords from all modeled topics
Given the list of symbols of each type of association, run the following script to classify each model generation of a culture and topic as one of the categories and sub-categories described in the work:
python evaluation-scripts/\
--home_dir __ # the directory to store searched data \
--model_name __ # olmo-7b \
--topic __ # topic of interest in [food, clothing] \
--acc_symbols # accumulate all symbols for each cultures \
--mark_symbols # categorise each symbol and store this marking \
--get_stats # store percentages of categorisation for each culture \
--overview # provide for an overview of the stats \
--plot_pie_chart # plot pie charts of individual culture overview \
--culture __ # specify the culture to plot the piechart for
The script above stores the overview in a JSON
file in the following format:
"{culture}": {
"M": % of generations with memorized associations,
"TG": % of generations with weak association generalized from memorization or from diffuse association symbols,
"OGS": % of generations with diffuse association,
"OGC": % of generations which are memorization of another culture,
"U": % of generations not traced to any category above,
The following pie-charts are also plotted by the script to show the distribution of symbol categorization for a culture individually: